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Thread: Is he not into me!!!!!?!

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I read somewhere that if a guy really like you more than a friend, he will do something about it wheather he will ruin the friendship in the end or not... but this depends on what kind of guy he is I guess since everyone is different.

    He either was really drunk when he told you that he likes you....

    You like him, this is really upto you, but if you really like him then I really think that you should just text him and ask him out to lunch or something and then talk to him about your feelings for him and see what happens.
    If he is ignoring that text then he might not ever respond or who knows... he could just be really busy...I don't know, but if you want an answer from him then you should just ask him in person to get a straight answer even though you might not get the answer that you want to hear from him, but if you want to clear things up then you should just ask him in person or you could wait another week... or wait until he text you.
    If this happened to me, I would go a bit anxious and won't able to sleep until I get the answer so I would do something about it...

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    He seems to be interested in some way romantically but SOMETHING is holding him back... Not sure what.. It might be something slight or maybe something major.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    from bad to worse

    Quote Originally Posted by Theegz View Post
    ANd dont guys usually respond?
    Quote Originally Posted by Spring Haze View Post
    Texts can get 'lost,' he might not have paid his bill, who knows.
    Quote Originally Posted by Theegz View Post
    SHould i text him and say i was just repling to ur eariler sms on april fools day. DOnt be scared we can still be friends? any suggestions? we usually text.
    Why are you resorting to text messages yet again when you are not satisfied with his lack of response? Maybe there's a technical issue going on. You can't tell if he read the message, which will leave you to wonder even more if he doesn't/can't respond. So either stop ignoring practicality by CALLING him directly, and leave a voicemail should he not pick up, OR text him AGAIN, with the real possibility of remaining bewildered.

    Another thing which you are fixating on is him not answering you. You didn't ask him anything, and he already expressed is likeness toward you.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I forgot to mention when I was on top of him and I opened my eyes he had an erection lol! I fell back asleep.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    THanks everyone for your replies ireally appriciate it.

    I think i will sms him tomorrow should i type A B or C. [NB he plays indoor soccer, and Leah is a friend from our uni days].

    A]." Hey TEd! How r u? dont worry about the previous text i was looking though our convo i though u gave me Leah's number. I didnt want u to think i disliked You?!
    Anywho u play indoor soccer?! Im play tonight with a few work mates! Also u free sometime next week for lunch, i have a client near ur work which i need to interview." (should i ask him to lunch or not?)

    Totally ignoring that i worte the sms.....
    B]. Hey Ted, long time no speak! im playin indoor soccer tomorrow even tho im not a fan of soccer! TC

    C]. (I have got a good job offer in another state which i will be travelling back and forth from home, this is y i facebooked him that i needed to talk to him i wanted his opinion. Hey Ted, hope your holidays were great! lol i didnt want u to think i dislike u after looking for Leahs' number through our text convo, Hey i need ur opinion on work, i got offered a good job, u seem to have a good head on those shoulders lol! im passing by ur work next week to interview a client, u free for lunch?

    A, B or C!? THANKS GUYS!!

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Hi Saya, lol no he wasnt drunk when he said he liked me, he was at work.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Hey Theegs, haven't you read Spring Haze's last post? It was very sensible in my opinion.


    Call him instead! "Hi what's up? Long time no speak, are you around next week?" And you mention you'll haveto see your client at least twice the week, so if he can' t (don't want to) see you one day, he has to be available the other day. And if he's not any day you are, and doesn't suggest another date on his own initiative, then that's pretty obvious why he hasn't replied your "i like you" text and now you can be straight and ask what's the matter...

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Thanks so much. I will do call him tomorrow. I'll keep you all posted. Thanks guys I really appreciate it!

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