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Thread: Help please......Confused

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Help please......Confused

    My boyfriend of a little over two years and I moved in together in December 2010. Our relationship is great. Perfect by no means, we have small disagreements, but still great. We are both very much in love. Jan of this year he said he wanted to get married. It wasn't a proposal, just a statement. March a close couple friend of ours asked when we were getting married. He responded by saying "whenever she will let me, but she hasn't let me yet" Then he laughed.
    On our way home that day, I asked him when he wanted to get married. He got a little aggitated said he just wanted it to be special for him because he has never been married before. (I have been). He, also, asked me not to mention it again because he felt as if I was pushing him. I have only mentioned it when he has. Well this is May and he briefly mentioned it again last week. I told him "all you have to do is ask" and left it at that.

    Today he says we should sell my house and buy a home together. I told him we would talk about it when he got home (the convo was brief because he was at work) My first thoughts on the house thing is that is a big step to take without being married first. I currently own my home, but can understand him wanting a place that is "ours"
    My questions are:
    1. Am I wrong to think purchasing a home together is a poor idea if we aren't married?
    2. I'm in no rush to tie the knot, but why is he wanting it one minute, but wanting to wait the next?
    3. Why is it when people ask when we are getting married, he responds in a way that sounds like I'm making him wait?
    Any advice would be great guys!....and ladies too! Sorry for the length and Thank you in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    1. Yes
    2. No idea.....you need to have a serious ( I MEAN SERIOUS! talk with him)
    3. No Idea

    You need to sit down and go over everything together. Why sell your house? Rent it and buy another? why buy another anyway?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    1. I think a joint venture of such a scale like buying a house together is a good activity for married people.
    2. Some guys are scared of the commitment, it's normal to be. You should only want to get married once. I can't say if you should get married or whatever, but that's probably what it is.
    3. That thing he says over and over is an ill conceived excuse. It's dumb, and it seems to bother you. He should knock it off.

    I wouldn't suggest like, ordering him to marry you, but it sounds like you want to be married and at some point (and I'm not saying when) it may be a deal breaker. What's that song? "If you like it you should have put a ring on it?" I don't know who sang it, whatever, digression.

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