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Thread: Not sure what to do.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Not sure what to do.

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year, and we love each other very much. We have such fun together and really are best friends. He's such a wonderful boyfriend, and even kisses away the tears when I cry. My dilemma is that he's almost 26 and does such childish things. He refuses to be a mature adult, and feels that growing up means that he has to be a "boring adult." He is CONSTANTLY making penis jokes or showing me his penis. He also acts like a spoiled brat when something in life doesn't go his way (it's usually his fault and always wants to blame it on something/someone else including God). And he has this habit of rocking back and forth in a daze. I'm talking the stereotypical behavior that mentally retarded individuals have with rocking back and forth and making some sort of motion with their hands. It's not as though he can't control the penis jokes or rocking back and forth because he doesn't do them is public. Also, he has severe ADD and refuses to take any sort of medication for it. He says that he doesn't need it, but we get into arguments because he zones out or can't pay attention when someone's talking or while he's in school. I love him very much, but don't know how to handle this situation. I'm afraid I may have to break it off with him soon, but it pains me to do so because of how important he is to me and the deep intimate bond that we share. But I'm at my wit's end with his behavior. I've talked with him about it, but it doesn't seem to phase him. What's a girl to do???


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Have you tried telling him exactally what you told us?
    An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    every time he shows you his penis bite it or kick him in the balls. hell soon learn lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    I talked with him again...

    I talked with him again about this matter today. He tried to say, "Well if you feel that strongly, don't let the door hit you on the way out." I told him he better be serious because I don't play games. We ended up not breaking up. Thankfully!!! So we agreed that I would let him know when I'm not in the mood to be "silly" (as he says) ALL the time, if he agreed to not get mad when I let him know this. So all is well, and we "made up" after our argument....if you catch my drift.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    hmmm dont mean to ruin it for you or anything, its totally your decision. but i know some people that love that stuff about their partners. I mean my frends boyfrend has an obsession with burbing all the time. although we all get annoyed from him and hate it when he does it. his girlfriend frinds it funny and she loves that about him. she calls it "the imperfections that make him perfect" weird in a way but i admire her for that. if she loves him and all the stupid stuff he does then who cares right?
    back to my opinion.... you dont seem to be happy with his behavoiur and the "silly" things he does. so maybe its just "signs" that you are with the wrong guy. some girls might love that about your boyfrend and love him popping out his tool every now and then for a laugh. but u dont. so obviously - even if you love him - you guys shoulnt be together..... mind you i would probably have left him a long way back.... it sounds like a major turn off O.o

    anywho best of luck....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    sounds like catch 22 i dont meet many girls that are up for a lough and a joke, maybe if u started bein more fun with him, he`d respect u more and not show u his penis or rock around like a child. u gota do somthin like go to the pub or for a walk take up a new sport together, its not on when girls expect u to sit there with them cos there to borein to even go out side.

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