My ex is like clap... you just cant get rid of him.

I left him when my daughter was three months old, filed three times to divorce him and was told by our judge on the record that we were divorced in 2005. I left him because he was childish, irresponsible and needing to truly get help for his serious and ongoing mental health issues with depression and Schizophrenia.

In the seven years since I left him he has continued to wear and display his wedding ring, declare that he will never stop loving me until he dies, and make continuing excuses for his lack of participation in our lives. In seven years he has never initiated a phone call to me or my daughter and continually begs for my help with his issues regarding child support which he has never paid.

He is an emotional drain and I find him to be a stranger to me, my tolerance for his neediness very little and my want to deal with his need to latch on and drain my resources to be ZERO.

I moved on in my life a long time ago and just recently celebrated what I would call the best year of my life since then with my BF, things were going great for us. My ex is now claiming that we are still married, and that he should not be responsible for the nearly 10k in child support he owes which means more legal bullshit, more having to deal with him. I feel so conflicted about all of this. He was never a husband to me, never a partner in my pregnancy with my baby or a supportive parent after I left. I feel angry that he is trying to be the good husband for the court and to use what would be a clerical error on our states side to his advantage. I have been mommy and daddy to my child since day one, to have to sign a decree saying I was his wife for seven years makes me feel like every step I have taken-- every success as a single parent is dwarfed by a man saying I am still his wife.

My family thinks I should go an eye for an eye and sue for alimony on top of child support. I dont understand how seven years of me raising my child on my own and the support owed just goes away? I don't understand why I have these feelings of anger pity and remose for my ex when just a few months ago I considered him to be a total non factor in our lives. This should be a the best times in my life. I have the man I want and need in my life, teaching me what real man is and letting his actions reaffirm those lessons. A man who loves my curves, my personality , every little thing I do for him. My life was balanced and great.

My ex has effectively thrown my world into uproar.

Any advice?