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Thread: Got cheated on, heart broken!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Got cheated on, heart broken!

    Hi everyone I'll try and keep this short but no promises lol, I just need to vent and want to hear other peoples similar stories or thoughts. So my ex gf both 24 y/o, we went out for 8 months and she moved into my parents house after 7 months. We always got along GREAT and talked about our future together all the time.

    We had just came back from a couples vacation and she went home(1 hour away) to have a few "girls nights". I said great have fun see you on Sunday. Well when she came back she was never the same person, very distant, depressed, not intimate and showed very little interest in our future or me in general. On Friday after a brutal week she said she had to go home bc she needs to be around her family and friends( 3 weeks earlier she had found out her dad was moving to a different state) I bought it and said ya definitely go back home then. She left while I was at work and never even said good bye or thank you to my parents who let her in their home(pretty crumby).

    I then said well there's no reason we can't go back to dating on the weekends and she wanted none of it and said that she couldn't give 100% of herself right now.I felt terrible and we didn't have contact for 10 days, then had light text and phone calls. We were supposed to meet up last Friday to discuss "US" over dinner at a restaurant. She sends me a text at 10:30 am Friday saying she forgot about plans with her friend,how about next friday. I said well then no need for dinner as this was an obvious blow off and pretty inconsiderate seeing as how we had plans for 10 days and she cancels the morning of.

    From there I got a phone call from a life long friend that lives in her home town. He informs me that she had made out with someone that Friday when she was having a girls night. He found out bc the kid told him that they made out and he witnessed them together alone at a mutual friends house talking at 2 am. When she saw my friend she admittedly left and had a shocked look on her face, she knew that he would eventually tell me and that she had been caught. He didn't tell me right away bc we had a falling out a few months back and weren't on speaking terms, but called me to clear the air and tell me bc it was the right thing to do.

    (he gains nothing from lying to me, he has a gf of 3 years and hated my ex anyway), and bingo it all makes sense now. Why she was so disconnected when she came back after that weekend. I called her and she of course she denied it and said the reason she left was because of family issues. But it makes no sense to throw something so good away just because of family issues especially when I was so open and told her I would basically cater to her needs during the next few months.

    Then up come the facebook pictures of her hanging out with this kid at least 10 pictures of them together. So I called her and left a voice mail and took the high road and said " I don't think we should reschedule the meet up bc it's no going to accomplish anything and i'm obviously not top priority if you could blow me off so easily, and I can't accuse you but my gut says that something happened that weekend bc you didn't come back the same person that left. I wish you the best and will cherish the good times we had." She then deleted every picture of us off her facebook even though she has other pics from her old ex's up and I haven't heard from her since.

    Needless to say I'm still devastated, did I handle it the right way? I never said any F you's or anything just stuck to my gut, and it made sense and she didn't seem to into trying to work things out with me. Anyone else have any similar stories? I just can't believe that someone that you love and trust so much can do something so terrible, especially after just coming back from a couples vaca that couldn't of gone any better. Thanks everyone just having a tough time with this one, thought I had found someone really special and now I'm back to square one.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Wow. While your situation is a little different than mine, there are a lot of similarities. Mostly about her moving in with you and your parents and then leaving due to "family issues". I've been there... After I was completely broke and spent nearly $2,500+ on the relationship, she coincidentally, had to move back with her parents. I felt used completely and while she did give a hug/thanks to my parents when she left, she never cared to show it while she was living there. She would smoke all the time, never clean up her messes and what not. Everything was fine and dandy until she went out by herself, after that she became very distant for no reason at all. Later, I found out that she was really into this guy who lived cross country. After she dumped me and had to move back, she texts me this morning telling me that she's moving to Canada where this guy lives. No idea what's going through her mind but it sucks to know that only a week has passed since she dumped me, moved away and is already set to move again for some other guy. I'm doing my best to cope and I sympathize with you completely. You did the right thing by telling her all this. You were completely outright and honest in your answers. While it may hurt now, you are the bigger person here. You did nothing but provide for her and she's treating/using you like shit. You're better off with not wasting your time on someone who feels the need to leech off of you. If you want, you head over to my thread titled, "Need some third party advice..." and read what happened between me and my ex. It's a long read but I feel like we have very similar stories. Hope I could help.

  3. #3
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    Thats a tough situation right there but I in my opinio you handled it like a gentleman so hats off to you. Its hard and so many of us have gone through similar situations. All you can do is wish her well and live your life. Love is unperdictable and you'll boucne back. I wish both the best of luck and true love.

    stay blessed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Thanks for the replies, Ya everyday gets a little bit easier than the last. I guess I just don't get how someone can do that in a happy, healthy and growing relationship that was really just getting started. Was a few moments of lust really worth throwing away all the time together and our future plans. I just don't get how someone can be like that. I would be able to understand it better if we were in a 4 year relationship and things were boring and stale and we were obviously drifting apart. but our relationship was anything but that, only going out for 8 months, had all these great summer plans, just moved in together 4 weeks ago. And to top it off had just 2 days before come back from a couple vacation that couldn't of gone any better. But anyway her loss not mine, I'll find someone who take what I have to give for granted.

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