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Thread: Another One

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Another One

    Hey ladies,

    I posted about this before but I'm still unsure. I swear, girls are so complicated.

    I'm about 80% sure she likes me and is into me but I don't know why she does and says some of the things she says.

    The things she does that made me think she's into me:
    1. She finds excuses to touch me
    2. Goes on about how mean I am to her (jokingly)
    3. One day I decided not to text her and she brought it up (about how I didn't text her) the next time I saw her
    4. Known her for 3 weeks and wanted me to meet her sister (and was really persistent about it) - she's really close to her
    5. One time she was gonna show me something. I thought she wanted me to go inside but she said she was gonna bring it outside. She realized I was ready to go inside, she told me "oh you can finally meet my sister". Feeling a bit awkward, I said maybe next time. She got upset and said "I'll show what I was gonna show you next time".
    6. Gave her a pencil. She texted me when she was using it.
    7. One time she forgot it and told me how upset she was and how she wanted to go back and get it
    8. Always asks me how my day goes. Almost every day. Would remember the stuff I tell her.
    9. One time I was unwrapping band aid for her and was about to hand it to her. Instead of taking the band aid, she put out her hand and wanted me to put it on. As I was putting it on, she called one of her friends to "watch this".
    10. When the guy friends and I would talk about girls, she would pretend not to hear it nor try to get into the conversation like most friends do.
    11. I get flirty and touchy with some girls (just how we have been from the start, we're just friends) she would pretend not to see what's going on and walk away. She'd act differently when this happens and stays quiet.
    12. Asked to hang out and another girl was supposed to go (we're friends). She wasn't sure if she wanted to go as she re-asked if it was gonna be us and the girl. Made the joke about how she hated that girl so I told her "fine, it'll just be us two". Then she agreed and said "okay". Mind you this is one of the girls I get flirty with. No feelings between us, it's just how we interact.
    13. She knows not all girls get "special treatment" that she gets so she asked "do you even do this for people?". I'm sure she knew the answer.
    14. Every time she sees me lately, she gets "mad" at me (in a joking way) and tends to give me a hard time about a recent event.

    There are more things but I can't remember what they were.

    Here's where I'm confused and need your help as to why she says the stuff she says.

    1. Called me "buddy" twice over text. I did it back to her. She stopped responding back to me.
    2. She cancelled on our plans several times.
    3. Gave her a hard time about cancelling, one of her excuses was "I don't want you to get the wrong idea" but she wouldn't explain to me what this wrong idea was. (Is it a possibility that she said it because I gave her a hard time? I was upset because she'd flake last minute and told her NEVER to do that again).
    4. I made a joke about how she's single. She said "what! I have a boyfriend, I'm not single". I said oh really, who? Then she said "I'm kidding, who needs a boyfriend!" - Was she looking for my reaction?

    Mind you that we've known each other for a month. That's it. We were not friends before this.

    My question is, what the heck is she thinking? She's totally confusing me. What should I do? Should I just be passive and let her do her part?
    Last edited by useless; 01-06-11 at 05:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by useless View Post
    2. She cancelled on our plans several times
    This is a very big sign that she's not into you. If she wanted to see you, she'd make time.

    Quote Originally Posted by useless View Post
    I was upset because she'd flake last minute and told her NEVER to do that again
    Don't tell her what to do.

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