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Thread: Have I done the right thing or am I being blame because his been caught?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Have I done the right thing or am I being blame because his been caught?


    I've been seeing this lad for 3 years but i went to his house friday night he cooked me dinner and baked me brownies because he missed my birthday and has ALWAYS made it seem as if im the only person his seeing & i confronted him about this girl i was concerned about in january and he told me he'd slept with her but back in 09 & has nothing to do with her.. I went down his phone found out he'd been seeing her a few years like myself and had seen her couple nights before hand and hed also mesaged a girl he got with in 2008 on fbook asking her for sex bascially.. I went home next day but couldnt bare to tell him what was wrong. So instead i messaged the girl he'd bseen a couple of nights before me and she was oblivious to it all he'd been sayign sweet nothings to her telling her he wants to be with her so she confronted him about it and he went mad at me for going down his phone & tried to turn all the blame on me. Now his livid with me blocked me on fbook and got his best mate to delete me but was panciking being like "who else have u messaged?" so obviously theres more then a couple of people his playing.
    His tried to turn it on me and now i feel guilty if he actually did want to be with the other girl. He said for me to stop texting him but only because i was really laying into him saying he was out of order etc & his now blocked me on fbook but hasnt on msn.
    I know i shouldnt have gone down his phone but something inside told me I had too...
    Did i do the right thing or should i feel bad?x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    LOL! well it's not kool to snoopy but as karma would have it made you look anyways. Sooner or later he would be found out and you were the one to do it. He got caught and it's normal for any douche to try and turn the blame away from himself so don't let him make you feel guilty. Tip: guys will do and say anything to get in yer pants.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Just relish the thought that he is freaking out about being found out. I think it's pretty funny.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Yeah thats true the thing is i know its not cool to go snooping but i had a feeling as i knew back in january when i confronted him about her he wasnt honest i just had a feeling and i said to him that if he had been honest in the first place i wouldnt have seen him again but if i was to see him again i wouldn't go snooping. I'm sure if my phone was unlocked he'd go down mine too lol everyone does it whether they admit or not ha!!! I'm not quite sure i'll hear from him again but i would love too just so i can say like im seeing someone else or something haa

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Tel me, why on earth would you even care if he's mad at you for snooping and has blocked you? You should be extremely happy that you've sussed him out and have'nt enabled him to play the two of you like the string section in the local philharmonic.

    Please don't tell me you regret what you did because now he won't talk to you. Gawd! don't.

    Time to stop worrying about his ass and get your own checked out for possible STD's. You have no idea how many others have been included in on his little love harem.

    What a toad. Doesn't even have the goods to be honest and still keep y'all around.

    I'm not quite sure i'll hear from him again but i would love too just so i can say like im seeing someone else or something haa
    Do you honestly think he gives a shit if you're seeing someone else or not? Darl'n this one doesn't care about anyone but himself.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Your compleltly right thanks for your opinion i appreicate it, I guess he had to turn it round on me because he literally didn't have a leg to stand on and the only way he could try and get out of it was to turn the blame back onto me.

    Thanks x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011
    You're welcome and consider this a life lesson on keeping well aware of red flag behaviour. Our guts don't often lie to us and when it's telling us that something is wrong, when it's screaming the fight or flight response to us, then listen to it.

    Never feel bad for holding a mirror up to a disingenuous jerk.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Yeah definetly 3 years has been long enough and his obviously so selfish as he knew how i felt but i guess thats why he loved it because he knew i would stick around probably the same situation with the other girl he was playing. But I'm glad I found out and I have learned to listen to the inner voice with your instincts. I'm sure Karma will get him even better one day x

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    You did good. Keep doing good by ignoring him, even in the future when he calls you again (which he will, eventually).

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