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Thread: Does my friend really like my guy friend?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Does my friend really like my guy friend?

    So I brought my guy friend clubbing and he met my girl friend and after couple days later maybe a week later, she and him went out to and perhaps talked on facebook, text, and phoned each other. She broke up with her boyfriend after she spoke with him about her problems, and now she likes my friend. Does she really like my guy friend or is she just fancying him?

    She just broke up and now she's all into my guy friend and my guy friend likes her cuz she's really a cool person and outgoing and everything. She told me that they had lots of things in common, I don't what they have in common, I didn't want to ask because I told her I liked him too. She asked me if I liked him and I said I did. She said she won't try anything because she doesn;t want drama. After a while she wasn't in a good mood and kept using the word *sniffle* and stuff on Facebook. I thought maybe it was because she liked him too. Later on, she asked if I would be mad if she said she liked him too. I said no because I don't want to lose a good friend though I met her last year, but we are pretty close to each other and have good connections. Since she told me they had lots of things in common, so I decided that I shouldn't do anything to wreck there moment.

    But what I don't understand is, she told me on May 20 that she feel bad that she likes him too and asked if I was pissed or not, and then I sucked it up and told her I don't like him that much anyways, and I told her its ok if she wants to go out cuz I know my friend likes her, but they only met for 2 weeks and they already like each other? Pretty fast in my opinion. But anyways the next day was my graduation, and I asked her to ask our friend for a ride if she needs one to get to my school, but my guy friend told me he went out to lunch with her and she went... So does she really feel bad for me or is she just making a fool out of me. We're really good friends, but she never told that she went out with him and never told me that she went out with him to watch movies such n such, my guy friend was the one who told me.... but I guess she doesn't want to rub it in my face, but the truth has to come out either way. Besides I told her its fine, it makes me more upset that she doesn't even tell me anything...

    And I felt uncomfortable around her when our guy friends kept talking about him. I felt like she just wanted to kind of rub it in my face and how in the world does all my guy friends know that she is dating him and likes him? They kept teasing her about him, now it makes it awkward for me to even ask my friend out without our friends bitching n hating on me.... She even named that Penguin that she got at the theme park after him and she is giving him a stuff animal she got at the claw machine...

    She said my guy friend acted just like our friend, though I don't see much resemblance maybe a little, so I agreed with her that our friend's personality is similar to my guy friends. But when I think of it, does this really mean she likes him or is it because he acts just like our friend. She told me that our friend liked her before and I think they went out few times, I forget.

    I told my friend that she may be too young for him because she's not stable enough. But my friend said she was independent like her sister that I guess her parents doesn't really care about her just like how his parents doesn't really care about him either. She relies on herself because her parents doesn't care. He says I'm independent, but not like her. I still rely on my parents and talk to them to them still, but she can't rely or have a good convo with her folks.... That's why she likes her I guess cuz they have something in common....

    What I was really trying to say was that she may be independent but she may still want to explore her world and do the things she want to do, and She's barely 22 and he's almost 29. 7 year difference. One may be ready to get married while the other is still anticipating what's coming next...

    But anyways at times, I feel that she is pulling my hair and rubbing him in my face for not telling me that she is going out with him because she never confirmed with me and it makes me upset that she is going behind my back after she said she felt bad about it, but she does it anyways without telling me. If she told me, then I will feel relieved and ok with it. I just can't face her when she talks about him like she doesn't know how I feel about him. I am just putting on a poker face and playing it cool, so she won't be hurt.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    That was a wild and crazy read mam! Okay, she's not required to tell you every detail of what goes on between her and the guy. You gave her your blessings but now you're tripping about it all. You're not okay with her dating this guy but it's something you have to deal with now. It doesn't sound like you two are such good friends to be honest. It sounds like they are into each other though, so you should just let them be. She jumped out of a relationship to be with this guy.........that's never good. Jumping from relationship to relationship. Anyways, don't concern yourself so much with them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Thanks, I guess you are right, she jumped out of her relationship to be with him at least I think so. I guess you are right I should not be tripping over this and should just let them be. It's not that I want her to tell me about it, but I was just upset that she asked if I would be pissed and then next day she goes out to lunch with him. We are good friends but I it seems like there is tension going on between us.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Yeah, I'm sure she feels a lil guilt behind it all but she made a choice. If it means anything, I'd never go after a chick that i KNEW my friend had feelings for. I just don't feel friends would do that to one another but girls can be pretty vicious when it comes boys lol. Don't trip though, go get you another man, and I'd keep him away from her 4 sho.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Well my guy friend doesn't know I like him. Right when i asked him out I told my friend that and then she asked if I would be pissed if she found him attractive and had lots of things in common. I'm not too sure how much they talked with each other, but they only met for 2 weeks. Do people find things in common within 2 weeks?

    I am not mad at her, but I am just upset that she kinda slightly went behind my back after she said that she felt bad and she also told me that she won't do something to a friend. She kept saying that she feels bad. Maybe she does like him.
    Last edited by milkshake; 09-06-11 at 09:36 AM.

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