Is this normal? I just don't want to feel like a weirdo. I need a friend to talk to about this. I have repressed my feelings for so long that I think it has actually hurt me in the long run. I just can't seem to get over my first boyfriend and the funny thing I don't think i was in love with him. I know it's been almost a year since i broke up with him. I know he is with another girl and that they have been together far longer than him and I ever were. I just can't stop thinking about the what ifs since we had a long distance relationship. I think i have a problem, a severe case of not being able to let go because a year is way too long to be dwelling on a failed relationship that only lasted 2 months. Do I feel this way because he was my first boyfriend or was it something more? I came here before and you all were very helpful. I got the courage to delete him from facebook, but I still can't delete from my life.