basically I'm a uni student and we were having a bit of a party as students do, and outside the club when I was about to go home I met this guy who recognised me for being from the sports club I'm from (his club train in the same place so he probably recognised my face as he sees me around a lot). We started chatting and from what I remember of the night we hit it off, then I had to get into a cab with my friends so I said goodbye and we said we'd add eachother on facebook (seemed most logical). Anyway, that night I did and sent him a message explaining who I was in case he forgot. A couple of days later we started messaging eachother a fair amount and he suggested my club goes out with his club for an event known as crew dates (apparently an Oxford thing, but I don't go to Oxford) where you go to dinner and have some drinks and go out after.

Anyway, we exchanged numbers and organised it. Overall it was a very fun night, we all got along really well with eachother and we were sat next to eachother. somehow it seemed like he was talking to me less than most... maybe he was a little nervous around me, and seemed to be avoiding eye contact. However this wore off a little later and we started joking together and again we really hit it off. On the way to the bar/club we were going to, there was a drunk on the bus (I live in a city, you tend to get them) who decided to start talking to me and then said I was "very beautiful". I heard the guy say "yeah, it's true" just in ear shot of me, then again didn't make eye contact. When we got to the club, he'd lost his wallet the night previous and was really tired so I decided to give him some of my coke (the drink, not the drug just to clarify) and we were dancing. At one point everyone left to go and get more drinks and we were left alone, and he kissed me. We were kissing for a good few minutes and then he said I was an "insanely good kisser", eventually we went to find everyone else again. We kissed a few times again that night, and when we were leaving he hugged me goodbye.

I sent him a message saying I had a good nght and hoped he did too, he said he had and he has asked how long I'm in the city for and when my exams finish, said "see you soon" and said he's up for doing something similar again with the other guys, anyway, read the message:

"Hey, my work computer only lets me on fb during non-working hours. had to get up at 7am to make it into work

Tbh because [person X] and I had such a heavy night before we were worried you were going to drink us under the table having a merry time while we struggle to look appropriately not hungover and just make it through the night. Well that did kinda happen, But I had a really fun time anyway. Would've hung around but as you saw I realllllllly needed sleep Are you going home or sticking around the city for a bit?

Sort [person Y] out haha and yeah [person Z] is definitely a character. Thanks for organising everything on your end. I think it's something all the guys would be up for again. See you soon X "

I wasn't sure whether I was reading too much into it, but I kind of want to see him again before I leave the city, and the fact he said "see you soon" and has since been asking me when I leave and when my exams are, I kind of hoped he was up for seeing me again, maybe alone? I don't want to be just the girl he "pulled" on a night out, I'm kind of girl. I really quite like him but I'm not sure what he is thinking or whether I should bite the bullet and ask if he wants to go for coffee or something. I kind of thought he might like me seeing as he was so up for organising a night out with us when he'd first met me.