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Thread: My girlfriend told me she has oral contraceptives, what should i do?Please help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    My girlfriend told me she has oral contraceptives, what should i do?Please help

    Actually, this girl was my ex-girlfriend, we broke up 3 years ago but a few months earlier she came to Beijing and met me.
    We fall in love again, i still remember that night, she lies in my arms and said:" You are the only man who touched me, after we broke up, i never find a new boyfriend until i met you again."
    Then my ex became my new one, but we are not in the same city, we can only call each other every day or send mails,sometimes we also chat on MSN.
    Then trouble came, yesterday when i chat with her, we talked about the summer vacation, she said she already bought air tickets and wanna fly to China to see me again ,then we talked a lot about sex, i told her it feels better without wearing candom when we make love. She said she got an idea, i asked what idea? She said she can use the oral contraceptives and she still has 17 pills left which she bought 2 years ago(PS: when she said that, she acted very happy and noraml). Then i was shocked, but i didn't ask her anything even i felt very strange.
    I do trust her, So i believe what she told me before, But now what she told me is paradoxical. I don't care her past, but i do care if she lied to me. I haven't told her about my feeling yet. I am afraid it will makes her to feel i did not trust her.
    I don't know what to do now, shall i tell her about my feeling?
    PS: Sorry about my english level, I am not native speaker.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I believe that if it really is something that's troubling you a lot, then it's not just going to go away, you're always going to have thoughts about it. So I would say that if you really want to put the thoughts to rest and be able to grow in your relationship again then you should bring it up to her somehow. Don't be so blunt about it or else you'll sound like you're accusing her of something (that she might not have done), but just express your concerns and just explain to her your confusion. Maybe you'll find that you are surprised that it's not what you think, I have several friends who get birth control pills from doctors to actually treat other medical conditions and it has nothing to do with buying them for actually having sex. I know they're used for acne medication and other medications, so who knows, everything might have been fine. Like you said, you don't necessarily care if she actually DID do stuff with other men, you just care that if she lied to you or not. Just explain that to her and I'm sure she'd understand. I hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    yes, i would talk to her about it...also, i'm not sure if the pills from 2 years ago are still going to be effective, so you should probably look into that (and both get tested for STDS of course) before having unprotected sex

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    17 pills is not a very useful number unless things line up just right. Full protection is not even reached until you've been on them for 3months. If you start them with your period they are effective enough doctors do say it is ok to have sex but then the timing would have to be perfect so that you only have sex within less than 17 days of her period. If you start them at a random time in the cycle they are not effective enough to use without condoms until at least 1 week and personally I wouldn't have sex without a condom until I'd been on them a month or one full cycle. Much too risky to only take pills during the time you are having sex.

    As for your concern she has them I don't actually understand... Do you think she had another relationship or do you just not like birth control pills? In the US it's standard to be on pills. Practically all the girls at my school were on them by the end of highschool so by 18-19 years old. My sister and I both started them at the beginning of highschool so I was maybe 16. My mom took them once she started college and could get healthcare through her university. Even if they use condoms with every partner many still take birth control pills because they are much more effective when taken constantly than using just condoms. They also have some health and convenience benefits. I'm actually still taking my birth control pills even though my husband had a vasectomy (surgery so he can't produce children) because they are so useful for acne and the ones I have only cause 3 periods a year at controlled times instead of monthly when my body felt like it.

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