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Thread: Dating and pressure.

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    @windmillback So do you think I blew it with her today? should i call her? i dunno what to do!

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    This is another update about what happened. Ok so earlier tonight I finally manned up and decided to call her to actually ask her out this time. She picked up and hung up immediately, then texted me saying she can't talk. I asked her if I could call her back later, and she told me to just say what I wanted to say. I asked if she would like to go out for boba next friday (through text), and she pretty much said she "didn't know" and would tell me before Friday.

    The last girl who said she was unsure cancelled on me at the last minute, so I'm not sure what I think right now

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Sounds like she isn't all that interested. I would back away now and let her come to you if she wants to hang out. If she doesn't contact you, just move on.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Grow up

    Just grow about man, dont be so nervous about it. I bet she just scared for first moment cause sometimes they dont expect somone to ask them out. Start a conversation speak about anything in a lovely tone so she will be more ready for what follows. Its a common mistake to ask a girl out before actually just talk to her.

    Good luck !
    Last edited by pcmaster; 18-06-11 at 11:37 PM.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonfire View Post
    Sounds like she isn't all that interested. I would back away now and let her come to you if she wants to hang out. If she doesn't contact you, just move on.

    Quote Originally Posted by pcmaster View Post
    Start a conversation speak about anything in a lovely tone so she will be more ready for what follows. Its a common mistake to ask a girl out before actually just talk to her.
    The reason why i didnt strike up a conversation was because she told me she couldnt talk, and told me to get to the point. But i see what you mean.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Sounds like teenage problems. I would rather ask out a girl with who im feeling comfortable just beeing together, like talking or laughting. However girls at that age is very easy to scare off with nothing. Maybe theres some more brave girl out there who knows ya better so try to ask out her and if that dont work out than ask out this one. Its better to have more chicks than no chicks.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    convo tip- conversation has never been a problem for me because I get the difference between conversation and interrogation.
    interrogation - question answer question answer
    convo - statement, question, statement, question
    convo =
    Male: statement, question
    Female: short answer, or longer if either interested in subject or person
    off the top of my head...
    Male: My day has been freaking awesome, how bout u?
    Uninterested Female: can't complain
    Male: Why on earth would you complain? (playfully) You're alive aren't you?
    Uninterested Female: true
    Male: damn right (big grin), I just got done playin some bball, I always feel so great afterwords. so much more alive, you know?
    somewhat interested Female: yeah, I love that feeling I get after running
    Male: I know right! But running sucks, I mean, great for you and all but I love engaging my mind against others
    Interested female (dream girl): me too, but I've never been coordinated enough physically. That's why I love halo 3 so much
    Male: holy shit, you play h3? That's my favorite game!!! (only if true obviously)
    its easy, I could literally keep up a conversation for all my life. Just keep plowing and don't give a **** if the woman seems uninterested in the subject itself. Read her body language and as long as she's giving you most of her attention, then keep trying until you find some commonalities.
    Last edited by Natural_PUA; 21-06-11 at 04:42 AM.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Haha Natural PUA you make it seem easy. The problem is that she didnt tell me if she wanted to go... i asked her on friday and she still didnt get back to me about it (its monday). i was thinking i would call or text on thursday to ask her again, but i figure if she wants to go she would tell me... So i dont know what to do...
    Last edited by Reeses; 21-06-11 at 09:00 AM.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    If your nervous about having stuff to talk about, do an activity date. Go hiking or to the beach or see a movie or play pool, things like that. She's probably nervous too. I'm a girl and I'm ALWAYS nervous on dates.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    bro, males lead. She's not going to call... unless she's REALLY bored or really likes you. don't wait for her but also don't make it a big deal. If you have time to do something, ask her during that time but don't take no for an answer unless shes giving you the signals not to. Get a clear cut answer, no repeats of what happened friday.

  11. #26
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Natural_PUA View Post
    bro, males lead. She's not going to call... unless she's REALLY bored or really likes you. don't wait for her but also don't make it a big deal. If you have time to do something, ask her during that time but don't take no for an answer unless shes giving you the signals not to. Get a clear cut answer, no repeats of what happened friday.
    Im gonna text her on thursday to ask if shes up for friday or not... My head hurts from this crap, its all so frustrating, and for what, rejection And disappointment? So much Bullshit, sometimes i wish girls would just be straight - its a yes or no question, none of this "maybe" crap. But for all i know things may just turn around, but a voice inside me is telling me i will crash and burn, as much as i dont want to believe it.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I had this problem until I realised I was putting girls on this pedestal. You should be confident enough to be able to even call her a bitch up front, hypothetically speaking.
    You could text her and make a playful remark about the girl who was standing behind you.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    chill out man, there are sound evolutionary reasons for girls to be exactly the way they are. Until you take the time to learn those reasons, then all this anger is misguided and unreasonable. You need to get a straight answer out of her without being emotional. Also, have the abundance mentality, girls what a guy who knows he can get any girl but is showing interest in them. We're the same exact way. Finally, belief in yourself is worth more than anything else, it's ok if the belief is delusional as long as you actually believe it. I am the best person on this planet, she doesn't deserve me but I'll give her a chance to prove I'm wrong.

  14. #29
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    Mar 2011
    Thank you, ill try to be as chill as possible when i ask her tomorrow, though this still annoys the hell outta me lol. Ill let you know how it goes.
    School teaches you the lesson then gives you the test, life gives you the test, then teaches you the lesson.

  15. #30
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Reeses View Post
    Thank you, ill try to be as chill as possible when i ask her tomorrow, though this still annoys the hell outta me lol. Ill let you know how it goes.
    Well she said no, but Im not all that upset about it... ok I am, I'm slouching in my chair as i write this, i guess its back to my ps3 for the summer then
    School teaches you the lesson then gives you the test, life gives you the test, then teaches you the lesson.

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