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Thread: Am I being a pest?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Am I being a pest?

    Am I being a pest?
    The situation is my bf left to see his friends on wednesday and was supposed to be back friday, but before he decided to go to his friends we were planning something from thursday to saturday because it was my first days off the same as his for months, so we decided one less day is ok, then messaged me friday saying he might not get back friday then didnt let me know till today(sunday) that he is coming back tomorrow morning and I got alittle pissed at him for this, because he didnt message me and I had worried when he wasnt back yesterday. A male friend of mine(who is gay) told me I was being a pest, trying to see others view on this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    There is nothing wrong with being worried, it means you cared. However, how you phrase your words would give different meanings to the one listening.

    If you wish to clarify this issue with him, I would advice you asking in this manner:

    *bring up the topic causually and when he is in a relaxed mood*
    U: Hey, (Name) Can I talk to you about what happened during the last two days?
    Guy: if he answers ok, then carry on, if not then ask him when you can ask him about it.

    Then emphasize on how you felt when he did not msg you or let you know that he is not coming back on the day itself.
    Eg, I was very worried for you when you didnt reply/msg on that day, I thought something bad happened to you.

    DO NOT say:
    Why did you not msg me on that day, What were you doing on that day?

    Could you see the difference? try working along that line, and do your best to keep emotions in check, and reach for a compromise. Remember that getting emotional will not solve anything.
    Cool off if there is a need. But I do not think it will escalate to that heights if you were to follow what I advice you.

    Maybe you both can agree that next time both of you would at least inform each other or something. I would not know about that, Thats your decision.

    Hope that helps!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    US, California
    You may simply want to be more proactive about scheduling next time; and let this issue drop if it is the first time.

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