hello guys just wondering about being pointed in the right direction. This is quite a heavy 1
I always wanted kids around the age of 30, of course nothing before as I dont feel emotionally ready at all.
Been with my girlfriend for 5 months, we are both in our early 20's.
The first time we had sex I actually asked her "is it ok to cum in you?". She told me it was fine meaning thats more than obvious that she has taken contraception.
A month or 2 later she said she had pains down below and wondered if she could of caught anything from me. She asked if I had ever had unprotected sex before. By that to anyone it would of meant without a condom since even having sex while the girl is on the pill or patch or whatever its still not unprotected. I told her I havent and soon enough the pains went and we carried on as usual.
The relationship was under a lot of strain after, I felt things had reached the end. Time together was no longer the same as when we first met and I felt unhappy in the relationship. We talked a lot and the end conclusion was that she didnt think things had reached the conclusive end yet. I agreed we could try for another month or 2 and if things didnt improve then we have to call it a day for good.
As time went on the sex life started becoming awful. I didnt fancy having sex at all, she got so upset and started to not feel wanted. In an effort to try and pull the relationship back into gear i tried to get back into having sex now and again.
3 weeks ago I was given the simply awful news that she is pregnant .
I have been in total shock for the past few weeks. I have spoken through everything with her. Said I thought she was using contraception and she told me she had never said that. What didnt make sense was that the first time we had sex I specifically asked if I could cum in her and she said yes. Surely nobody wants the risk of becoming pregnant after being in a relationship for just a few weeks? Her answer to that was that she didnt think she could get pregnant so it was almost contraception in its own way.
The hellish thing now is im being left with a few choices from her. She has said she now wants to keep the baby. A week ago she was bleeding heavily and not in a nasty way I felt maybe relief that she had lost it. That was not the case however and after she went to the dr's they said its all fine.
Im given the choice of not just having to accept her and the baby but also live like a family by moving town to our own place together to live. I live at home with my mother at the moment who is not well, she is terminally ill and that means having to leave her, the house would go downhill and in essence I would lose my mother .
Otherwise im given the option to just walk away, but she would still go ahead and tell my mother about it all, this equally causes strain on the household because my mum is not in a fit state to fully understand the situation and will never forgive me for giving up my baby.
What can I do? im not ready to move out yet. I cant compromise on it since she lives about 200 miles away, and has decided she will only move 20 or so miles away from there since she has a business to run as well.