i've finished Uni and am off on a seasonaire Ski position for 5 months hopefully somewhere in france or austria but i need a bit of help please The interview section is broken down into a few sections, one of which is::

Interview Task: Please bring something with you to present at the group interview that shows your skills and suitability for the job role you have been invited for in the most imaginative and creative way possible. The presentation of your task is to last no longer than 5 minutes.
now if it was a basic 'do a presentation' type thing then i'd know what to do easy, but to relate it to the job im doing (hotel assistant: 40% cleaning, 40% being a waiter, 20% bar man) as well as make it 'imaginative and creative' has twisted my brain a little :-? :-? :-?

has anyone got any idea how i can show i'd be a good cleaner / waiter / bar man in a creative and imaginative way as possible?

thanks for what ever you guys can come up with