I have spoken to one other guy about this and he says that he will never look back at a relationshp that didn't work then. Alright, it depends on the situation. Hear me out and I wish to know your point of view. Two years ago I was introduced to guy A. At the same time I was getting to know guy B and as people were telling me to keep my options open, it was the first time for me to seriously think about relationships. I was slowly getting emotionally involved with guy B, but guy A was also interested to get to know me and we became friends. Guy A flew down to see and spend time with me and I advised him to come with the intention of having a holiday and not for the sole purpose of meeting me. He agreed and I planned a few days vacation with him. I was clearly confused about the whole situation as my heart was resonating to guy B who is also geographically distant but at that time have not met him in person. I had to decide to not pursue guy A as at that time I simply could not resonate his feelings for me and it was very hard for him to accept it. I continued communicating with guy B and I took most of the effort to even make it a point to see him. He admitted mutual attraction and interest a few times and I thought he would eventually take it seriously but he ended up disappointing me and slipped away with reasons that sounded like excuses. I was heartbroken and I slowly learned about what a man will do if he truly loves a woman, made me realize what guy A did to me, he was there all the time, just being available but I couldn't see it and it a painful lesson for me to learn. It took me a year to heal and I was still thinking about guy A. I eventually took the courage to reconnect with him 6 months ago and he responded. We became friends again and he was the same person I knew before plus have achieved much in his life. I wasn't limiting myself, I did meet other men but it just didn't work out. I felt happy to be in touch with guy A again and share our interests and thoughts. My feelings grew for him and I was even more excited when our mutual friend was getting married which means we would meet again at her wedding. I was preparing myself to face him again and was wishing if he would reconsider me. I wrote him a letter which I gave him at the wedding but I sensed that he was distant. We had a nice time chatting on an event prior to the wedding where I passed the letter but when I met him again at the wedding function, he clearly showed signs of disinterest. We parted at a dinner party in a friends home and he told me he will write back. At the time I couldn't ask him how long will he need. A week passed since we returned to our respective locations and I sent him an email asking him if he had the time to reflect. He responded asking for another week. I was already feeling restless and prayed very hard for a reply. Another week and a half passed and I eventually had to ask our mutual friends assistance to ask him what was his decision. He finally wrote to me a day later saying that he simply could not return to the state of mind and heart before as at that time it was difficult for him to move on. I have asked him to forgive me so many times but yet he has decided that he is able to forgive but unable to forget. I am devastated by this and only wished he would have been open to talk and consult. What do you think I should do? He has asked for us to remain as friends but it is too painful for me to keep in touch or have him in my social networking pages that I decided to remove him to help me heal. A part of me truly wants him back and the other part just says that it's all meant to be and it's time to move on. I feel very sad to have lost a great friend. So my question now is, what do you think is stopping him from giving this another chance? If you were the guy, what would make you reconsider the girl? I have been as honest as possible which is making it so difficult to understand why. Thanks for reading and I appreciate your thoughts on this.