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Thread: Please help need a womens perspective fast!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Please help need a womens perspective fast!

    Hello I am new here...I will spare the detials of my incredibly long story so to keep it short...I recently was dumped by my girlfriend of 3.5 years..We were each others first with everything literally...We are in our early 20's....
    The first week we did not see each other, the second week of the breakup she initiated contact and said she still oved me,kissed me but wanted to be friends...To skip ahead we have beeen hanging out but Im gettin more signals that she just wants to keep me around till sumthin else if anything..We went to the aumsement park where we would go every year yesterday and I still got the "just want to be friends" vibe from her, even though we laughed and joked, there was no awkwardness and we spent the rest of the night together too..
    I cannot handle the confusion anymore however, I have decided to meet up with her tomorrow. Initally I wanted to plan a suprise picnic for her with all her favorite things(including things I hate and this is sumthin I never would have done in our relationship)
    I NEED TO KNOW if thisi s only going ot push her away further..I have since decided it might be best to just sit down and talk with her instead, literally calmly and like adults talk this out see where each other stands and let her know how I feel and how I wont be treated as just an option..
    LADIES is a suprise picnic the better route to go or will it simply just make her think im obsessive instead of trying to be romantic??
    And if I just talk to her will I lose the chance to eveer show her I can do sumthing romantic for her? I have changed my lifestyle around after the breakup,not just for her but for me...She in interested in pursuing a career in stripping and I told her I could accept it but under the condition we would be back together...Am I being a doormat? Is the best way to get your EX back simply by not contacting them and staying out of the picture? Will I lose her forever if I dont let her know, or if I sont show her I would do anything for her? Please I need answers or advice!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    New Delhi, India
    Hey... no need to worry about all that. Just remember one thing - let your beloved free if she loves you she will come back and if she doesn't then she will not. Draw just a clear picture in your mind. I mean to say [URL="http://www.myboyisanidiot.com"]true love[/URL] is kind of different thing. Love means only love nothing else. Let her live her life and I am sure after some days she is going to miss u a lot and that would be the best time to approach her.

    When you will be there when she would need you more than ever then believe me your presence will fill her up happiness and cherish feelings. Just the matter of time. Wait and Watch and best of luck for your future.

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