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Thread: Would you date someone abroad??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Would you date someone abroad??

    OK, so curiosity/boredom got the best of me a little over a week ago, and I decided to make an account on OKCupid..but for London, England. I will be studying in London for this coming fall semester, so I thought it might be fun to make some connections in the UK and get suggestions about the best pubs, etc.

    I've "met" some nice people who have actually been very helpful. No offense to anyone who found their significant other via dating sites and the like, but it's safe to say that I never thought online dating was for me...also, I'm only 20. However, I am SHOCKED at how normal, interesting, successful, and attractive a lot of the people I've come across have been. One guy in particular has definitely caught my attention.

    Let's start out with a few facts: He just turned 22, graduated from Oxford, is currently in some sort of law school/program, plays several sports (including rowing--he rows in the same event that was on The Social Network), and has a younger sister who he admires (they seem almost identical to me and my brother).

    He's also EXTREMELY witty, well-written, attractive (in a not so obvious way), silly, and (even though I understand this is hard to distinguish over the internet) genuine. He also made an account not very long ago, and he said he's optimistic about these sort of things and thinks that if he can meet someone interesting, go out, become friends first and then see what happens, that would be ideal. He asked if I'd want to hang out with him once I got over there, and of course I said yes. We've already added each other on Facebook and everything..hah. All of this is very strange and random, but somehow fitting at the same time!

    I realize that we may meet and either decide to just stay friends or even that we don't click at all (seems unlikely)... but I've already started to think about the possibilities... What if we end up wanting to date each other? How would that even begin to work after I come home at the beginning of December?

    Would you date someone who lived on another continent?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    LDR rarely work IMO. Why are you thinking of dating anyone when you haven't been to London yet?

    Also dont take the whole online dating thing seriously. Once you meet and sit down together you can start discuss such things.

    I wouldn't date someone who lived on the other side of the world because, quite frankly.......THEY LIVE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD !!!)
    Last edited by surfhb; 20-07-11 at 02:25 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    moms basement
    " attractive (in a not so obvious way)" lol. Is that American talk for ugly twat but rich? On a serious note, forget these english bawbags from london, they are are batty boys with little tadgers. hope this helps

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Atlanta, GA
    One step at a time. One of the biggest things that dooms relationships is the constant looking ahead, the focus on the future instead of the present. Just meet him and see how it goes. If you still have concerns come December, post again. But things have a way of working out on their own.

    Good luck.
    Brought to you by Dating With Devon!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    I have this grand, romantic idea that if we fell in love, we'd be one of the lucky few who made it work. I guess I just wanted to talk about it, and I was curious as to how other people felt about the whole idea. I realize how premature and ridiculous I sound. haha

    To respond to "in a not so obvious way"---I just meant that he's not model attractive, or anything. He's definitely an attractive guy to me, but he's normal. Does that make sense? I guess I wanted to make the point that I'm not primarily interested in him because of his looks.

    Also, he's not from London...he's just living in Greater London right now. He's from the Essex area, I believe.

    I am such an over-thinker! I'm not impressed by guys very often, so I already have a feeling I'm going to fall for this guy. I've done long distance before, so It's likely I'd be willing to make something work, but I feel like guys are more skeptical about the LDR situation.

    Has anyone on here had an experience while traveling or studying abroad where they fell in love with someone? Did it work?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I am the odd ball out here, but I say it can work. I met the love of my life online. Not on a dating site, more of a cultural and language sharing type thing. Neither of us took the idea seriously that we could meet someone online before we met each other. We both knew almost immediately that we wanted to be together. Both of our lives totally changed. We talked every day for almost a year and as soon as he could he came to the states for a few months. I then went back home with him. Now I am waiting for a residency visa to move there and we are engaged. A few more months of waiting now. It can be very hard with the distance and being apart, and I don't think you should attempt this unless you think he is the one for you. Just meet him and see how it goes. You have already decided on that. It can work if it is worth it and you want to be together enough!
    Last edited by Georgianna; 21-07-11 at 09:30 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Langley, BC
    I would definitely f*ck someone abroad. . .oh wait, you said date.

    There is another way to describe an LDR, its called "wasting your life".
    "All is fair in love and war." - Francis Edward Smedley

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    I was in the UK last year for work - I live in France - and dated a few women there. BECAUSE if I found 'the one' I could have easily stayed in the UK. If you find 'the one' in the UK can you stay there. If not don't bother even begining a relationship as it won't work. LDR is a killer.
    And to be honest, you have not even met this guy in the flesh and you're already going all gooey - been watching too many romantic films?

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