Sometimes I look back and try and imagine life again when there were hardly any cell phones around. When everyone knew everyone's numbers.... When daily life consisted of more conversation over the phone not our heads tilted down always texting our friends and loved one's, Playing the paranoia game or worrying about where they are and what there always doing. Now ten fifteen years ago this was never the problem. Sure people still cheated and husbands and wives still stayed out late making up excuses that their working late. But my fear is this. WHat is it doing to the new couples who are still feeling each other out. Who in the past would take things slow because it seemed like staying on the phone all night was being too attached. Compared to now where everyone is typing on social networks. The same people who are spending hours investigating the real person truly.. It just seems like technology has not only affected our memory skills when it comes to memorizing things but I feel it's going to play a big role in relationships now and all that will come. Just curious to see what and how others feel about this topic. Really where do you think relationships and social networks will take society in the next ten years.......?