Quote Originally Posted by JadenMia View Post
I dont have any idea how people are going to react about it.. Im scared..
You're going to be fine. I completely understand why you're scared, but you can't live your life worrying about what other people will think of you. Their opinions don't matter, especially if they're the type to ignore domestic violence and blame the victim just because they're buddies with the abuser.

I know you feel like your entire town is going to turn against you, but maybe you'll be surprised. You weren't expecting the police to be cooperative and helpful, but even they couldn't hand-wave this incident away like it was a silly lover's quarrel that got out of hand. You were attacked. Hopefully other people will understand that, too. (Ugh, living in a small town where everyone knows your business. I could not handle that, at all.) You're doing the right thing. It's not always easy.