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Thread: Is he just a flirt or does he like me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Is he just a flirt or does he like me?

    I got a new job a few months ago and there's this guy who works with me that I can't figure out. When I first started a few months ago during break he insisted that I sit with him and we talked for a while but after that we didn't interract at all. I'd honestly forgotten that he existed until maybe a month ago when we just started talking/flirting out of nowhere. He's a big flirt at work towards everyone there but it seems like he singles me out a little bit. Idk if that's just wishful thinking though.
    It started with him asking about my relationship (yes I've had a boyfriend for the past year and a half but that's for another time). He'd just ask alot of questions about my bf and it seems like he tries to point out the bad in out relationship ie: my bf is possessive and he'll bring that up alot or my bf is a little lazy and he'll talk about that alot. Also I'm a free spirit but my bf wants to get married soon and my co worker spends a lot of time talking about how he doesn't think I'm ready for that much commitment(he doesn't know me that well he's just guessing) and how he wants to just date for fun (which is something that I'd said to him before hand then he started saying it). And then it progressed to him flirting with me.Whenever I'm working he'll say hi to me before anyone else and he engages me in conversations and I've caught him looking at me before and instead of looking away when I look back he'll just smile. He's also sprayed me with the hose that's attached to the sink during an overnight shift and hes put ice down my back. He basically picks on me and teases me and alot of other little things. He flirts with a little bit with other girls at work but it seems like he focuses more on me. Does it sound like he likes me or am I just reading too much into this?

  2. #2
    Mathias's Avatar
    Mathias is offline Love Gurus
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    What does it matter if he likes you? You have a boyfriend.

    If you don't like that situation, take care of it, then come back and ask again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Yes he likes you I'm sure. Or at least wants to do stuff with you.

    If you are on a thread posting about another guy and he found out... What would happen? I'm sure things would end very quickly. I don't think you should be dating him or thinking about marriage if you are into another guy.

    Maybe you and the other guy are meant to be. However, I would not break up and then jump into another relationship. Sounds to me like you need a girls night out. Lol just have fun with the girls. He might just flirt with you because it is a challenge to him. He would love to get the ego boost of getting you to break up with one dude for him. Sounds like once he got you he might not be as interested.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    That's what I was thinking and I admit I like him a little but I can't see myself dating him mainly because of what you just said. And I'm only on this site because we basically have all the same friends and my family loves him so I really don't have anyone to talk to that wouldn't go tell him. :/

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