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Thread: Ladies - are you attracted to guys who treat you bad?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Yeah.....THe PUA think is for chaps who aren't naturals at talking to women. All those guys are basically ex- nice guys who have decided to explore the art of human interaction.

  2. #17
    sadie_genie's Avatar
    sadie_genie Guest
    No, I am not attracted to guys who treat me bad.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    A good neg?

    Well okay, I stopped using canned routines and most of the techniques have been internalized into my lifestyle. But generally, for guys who are less than avg on the talking level. They have to consider these techniques because they're such alien concepts they've never picked up on before, generally because they've never had the confidence to speak to an attractive girl.

    But here's a neg that I used to use back when I smoke, it was effective and it made the girls more curious than insulting. But it gave the neutral lighting I was aiming for.

    Me (outside of a club): Hey girls, got a light?

    Girls: Uh..sure. (give lighter)

    Me: (light up), look my friends are inside, so i'm just going to pretend to speak to you guys for a minute so i'm not on my own.

    Girls: Okay.

    Me: (body language turning slightly)

    Girls: Well, aren't you going to speak to us?

    Me: Huh? Oh! Sure, why not?

    And from there i'm off the bat, start a conversation - they somewhat initiated the conversation with rationalization that they weren't being too forward in showing showing interest in me, because it was me that still approached them. But guys got to understand, that this only worked because of my tone and body language. If you can't walk around with a confident composure then you'll be sending signals to everyone that you're not a worthwhile guy.

    Negging is all fun and play, and it's good to tease and as guys get better and develop comfort into these techniques, it'll become something they enjoy and look for in conversations with girls. It keeps the conversation alive and exciting, and it makes you entertaining and the centre of the conversation. To tease is one of the many things needed to be really sociable and great to be around.

    And until a guy can believe he can be that, they will live in a world where they really need people helping them, because they feel alone and beaten and cannot bare the horrible, horrible humility of being put down by others and being humiliated for telling a girl he likes her. Because he's had it done so many times by girls who just simply are sick of guys hitting on them, that he's grown up to learn that he's not worth loving, even to the point he looks at his life and starts picking at why.

    That's why there's "techniques", that's why there's lessons on the stuff. The more people learn about pick-up and how effective it is, the more they learn that it's less about picking up girls, and more about building a life and learning to be happy with yourself. Guys with low self-esteem regarding the opposite sex is as common (if not more) than a girl with an eating disorder. If a women can become anorexic because she's so self conscious, think about what it can be like for a guy. The only difference is that, wanting to learn to be better with girls is often shunned upon, as if it's all about being sneaky. The only real thing these guys are hiding is the fact that they don't feel they have what it takes, that they're worthwhile. So for them to actually stand up and say "i'm sick of being ignored and being treated like I don't count" and actually try and take hold of that part of life is something I support.

    People walk out of pick-up artistry as better people thinking "man all that stuff was pointless", but not because it didn't work, but because in the long run they learned that there is nothing bad about him, and that all these thoughts about being inadequate was actually the only reason he never got any success. That, in actuality if he just spoke differently and really believe that he is worthwhile, that he does have a chance at happiness.
    Last edited by Padlock1; 03-09-11 at 08:44 AM.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Negging works on all women weather she wants to admit it or not. Once I playfully pulled this girls hair and started saying alot of dirty things that I wasn't proud of then I asked for her number and she tried to give it to me but I refused and walked away then she forced me to take her number. But I didn't call because I hate women who accepts being treated that badly.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    On a date , I usually make point of telling a girl the reason why we won't get along in a relationship. All in good fun but it gets her thinking

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by ladiesfirst View Post
    OK, I read an article the other day about guys who think they can get a woman into bed by insulting her. The article suggested that guys who do this aren't likely to be successful:

    [url=http://www.scienceofrelationships.com/home/2011/8/30/negging-do-women-really-like-guys-who-treat-them-like-crap.html]Science of Relationships - - - Negging: Do Women Really Like Guys Who Treat Them LikeCrap?[/url]

    However, I see guys try and pull this all of the time, and some have even tried to pull it on me before! I think I'm smart enough (and respect myself enough) not to fall for something like that, but does this really work on other women?

    So, ladies, have guys tried this on you? And what was your response?
    NO! I did date a guy that was abusive.......young and stupid at the age of 15 but I learned it the hard way and never forgot. After that anyone who turned into one was KICKED to the curb! If one acted like a jerk right off the get go, never gave them a second look......told one to actually shut up and go f uck himself.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    May 2011
    ^^^ That's got NOTHING to do with negging. Unfortunately that bs article gives women the impression that negging is what you describe smackie, when it's not negging, it's insultive and/or abuse what you describe. Negging is neither and it is NOT treating women badly.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

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