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Thread: One year on and I still only think of her.

  1. #1
    JJP's Avatar
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    One year on and I still only think of her.

    In 20 days time it will have been one year since my X broke up with me. We had such a good relationship and her reason to break up was that she was too young for a serious relationship and she wanted to grow on her own. I didn't agree with the way she thought, the fact I had found her when I was young meant I could spend even more time with her. We were together for over a year and a half, and I never mentioned anything serious. Until she started to say that stuff. When she did talk about the future and being together, I went along with it because I couldn't think of anything better and it seemed neither could she at the time.

    Then she started getting feelings of it being too serious. It seemed a bit random but, I'm almost positive it was her mum that was convincing her. Her mum never really liked me (she didn't want her daughter with a guy at uni) and I know she wasn't very keen on her being serious so early. Eventually she was convinced and we split. In one way I think, if she was convinced then she obviously didn't love me enough. But I know she did. I accepted there was nothing I could do and I figured it would be unfair to keep hassling her. So I stopped talking to her. Also to help me because, the only way I can deal with not being with her is by trying to ignore her as much as I can. But she got into a relationship with a guy 4months later and is still with him. How is that growing on your own?

    I still think about her everyday, what seems like all the time. It admittedly used to be worse. But my feelings for her haven't changed. The longer I'm not with her the more I feel like I'm missing out. I have tried being with other girls, but I feel like I'm being unfair because I still wish I was with someone else. I have never stopped adoring her and I haven't even properly seen her for a year! I never seem to be happy without a girl by my side. And now the only one I want there is her. Why is my mind doing this to me? I never feel truly happy because no matter what I do, I wish she was there with me. The happiest memories of my life make me feel the worst. I don't feel like I can tell her because it's unfair on her. I just want to forget about her because I can't see another option. How can I move on? What should I do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Maybe her mom had a small part in her decision, but I recall when I was that age, I never listened to my mom. When a girl is truly in love, she doesn't let anything get in the way, not even a nagging mother so your theory is out the window on that one. Her feelings for you were already dissipating. Her excuse about needing to grow on her own was just BS. She was trying to soften the blow of the break up. She may even had her sights on a few new interests. Her dating a guy soon after should have told you that.

    You are hanging onto her and for what.....the reality of it is that you will never have her back, so stop it. She is not who you think she was....she wasn't that into you, she moved on. You are stuck because you refuse to accept the real reality of it. I hope with my words it has changed your perspective of what really happened so you can finally let go and get over your fear of never finding true love with someone else.

  3. #3
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    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by smackie9 View Post
    Maybe her mom had a small part in her decision, but I recall when I was that age, I never listened to my mom. When a girl is truly in love, she doesn't let anything get in the way, not even a nagging mother so your theory is out the window on that one. Her feelings for you were already dissipating. Her excuse about needing to grow on her own was just BS. She was trying to soften the blow of the break up. She may even had her sights on a few new interests. Her dating a guy soon after should have told you that.

    You are hanging onto her and for what.....the reality of it is that you will never have her back, so stop it. She is not who you think she was....she wasn't that into you, she moved on. You are stuck because you refuse to accept the real reality of it. I hope with my words it has changed your perspective of what really happened so you can finally let go and get over your fear of never finding true love with someone else.
    hmmm.. it makes sense and it's true to a certain extent.. But I know that you can get her back if that's what you really want..

    PM me if your interested.. I'll tell you in detail how to do it..

    Yours truly

    The 6 word sentence
    Knowledge is NOT power; The APPLICATION of knowledge is power.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    ^^^ Op: don't listen to any crap about trying to get her back. Those strategies play on vulnerable people and usually there is money involved to get the "key" to open the strategy up to you. There is a reason you two broke up and if that reason has not been rectified then why would you want her back under the same cumstances? It will just dissolve once again under that dynamic.

    OT: You might want to consciously change the channel when you start to think about her. You're making your day-dreaming a habit that's detrimental to you becoming indifferent to her. Change the subject when she pops into your mind. Do it whenever you have to, don't dwell there in your thoughts and longing. You are you own worst enemy. You should be well on your way to at least actively wanting to meet another and connect with her but it seems you're afraid to let go of your comfortable memories... Why do you dwell still? What keeps you stagnated in the past?
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Surrey, BC
    Thank god someone else saw that. F uckin enabling scammers! Go take you B ull Shit somewhere else.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Forget about my mum, I defied my whole family for the man I love

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