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Thread: Is she waiting so she doesn't look desperate?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Is she waiting so she doesn't look desperate?

    A girl that is friends with my buddy's wife saw a pic of me holding their daughter and thought I was cute and told my friends wife she wanted to meet me, my friends wife further said nice things about me. My buddy called and told me about it, shortly after the girl requested me on FB. I messaged her and we kept flirting back an forth for a few hours. The next day she messaged me and asked how work was. We talked back and forth again and she was just telling me personal things about her life.

    My friend and his wife invited us for dinner so we could meet and to celebrate her birthday, unfortunately my friend and his wife enjoy controlling the conversations and never left us alone to talk. So I was unable to say much because the conversations that my friend and his wife were having involved things and people I didn't know about.

    The next day I waited so I wouldn't look desperate to message her to tell her happy birthday and that it was nice to meet her. She got back within an hour and said thanks and that it was nice meeting me etc.. I then sent her a message back advising that could talk but that my friend and his wife didn't leave me any openings and that I would like to take her out to dinner soon so we could actually talk.

    That was Friday afternoon and I still haven't heard from her? Is she just waiting so she doesn't look desperate? From her wall I saw that she is active on FB and she hasn't posted anything since Friday. My friend and his wife do not believe that I moved too fast for her so I'm hoping that she hasn't saw the message, hasn't been on, or is waiting to give me an answer.

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    vashti's Avatar
    vashti is offline Hot love muffin guru
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    It's her birthday weekend. She probably just had plans.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Hmmmm.......She was over my friends today to see his wife......they talked about us flirting before so I can only assume they must have talked about me asking her out......and my friends wife knows I asked her out and that I have been waiting for an answer.....and still no answer, and no contact from my friends wife.....so my assumption is that the answer is a NO.....so why won't she just tell me rather than making me wait and wonder?????Not a big deal I have nothing invested other than a bit of flirting.....I will never get women, and if it is YES why won't she just say it?????When a girl I don't like or when I have been in a committed relationship asks me out, I don't make them wait I tell them no and give my reason right away.....This happened a couple of weeks ago with another girl that I asked to dinner, she took three days to tell me no....why the wait for either answer, its really annoying?

  4. #4
    vashti's Avatar
    vashti is offline Hot love muffin guru
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    Ahh, that's too bad. Try not to be too frustrated... females are raised to value the sparing of feelings more than simple honesty. She probably just didn't want to hurt your feelings. Better luck next time.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Just annoying, shes the one who was making a real effort!!!! Any ladies reading this just remember to just say no thanks, I would rather have hurt feelings than be irritated for several days. Is this why guys lie to women so much, lol, kidding, just kidding.

  6. #6
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    Airstrip One
    You didn't move too fast; sounds like she didn't want to say no thanks. That or she has other things going on.

    A bit weird because it sounds like she was kind of hinting at first that she might be interested. Better luck next time eh?


  7. #7
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    Kinda hinting, her actual words were "WOW, I want to meet him", as per advised by my friend and his wife, and then she proceeded to flirt via messages for two days. And when we met my friend and his wife as usual controlled all conversations, never left the room, and never gave me an opening to comment (not unusual for them), they both admitted fault later on for that. And I agree wlboy it is a bit weird, and annoying.

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