Greetings. I'm in some need, of all you gals and guys experiences, advice, and whatsoever on this. Anything helps.

So, the thing is, a couple of weeks ago I've met this girl and I could really go into a lot of overstatements about her - you get the idea. The thing is, I got to know her quite well and vice versa (although I've still got a couple of surprises I hope) but it just happened wrong and - as my usual - I ended up in the friend-zone, as in, I'm a really good friend of her now. Which is not a bad thing don't get me wrong. Usually I'm okay with this but not this time, I want to fight back and try and redefine our relationship but I'm not really sure what do, how to act, what my next move shall be. Yes I could have read a few things on the net and I did, but there can always be more to it. I'd like you people to share any ideas or experiences or advices I could use in this subject.