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Thread: A complication

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    A complication

    Okay, so about a month ago, my girlfriend called a break, two weeks later we spoke and the relationship ended.

    To cut a long story short, she loves me, (her words) we met up a week after the break and had our final goodbye weekend. (we decided to do this because we didn't want to leave it all on an upset phone call)

    In this weekend everything was perfect, just as every other meet up would go. (we would only see each other every 3 to 4 weeks for a night or 2)

    We went for a meal, had lots of sex, we both were very affectionate to each other. We didn't talk about the breakup once. When i was departing back home, we held each other for minutes, kissed and both said i love you, she cried.

    So a couple of days later, we hadn't been in contact, she sent me a single 'love heart' symbol as a text message. I ignored this. The following evening she text me saying 'why don't you talk to me any more?' i replied with 'I thought this was what you wanted..'
    I received no reply. (this was less than a week ago) (since getting no reply, nothing has happened apart from me sending a photograph through the post which was taken of us on that weekend after the meal.) I received a text today from her 'thank you for the photo I love it'

    This is about us... we both know there is a huge connection between each other. Some, if not all the reasons why we broke up are.. The new 300 mile distance we would have to travel, she started university and she doesn't want me to end up 'following her around' (meaning following her career path and her future) she wants me to follow mine. There was no infidelity, no trust issues, no arguments.

    if you ask me, we were still in our honeymoon phase when we were breaking up, maybe just at the end of it. we had been together 9 months.

    She is crazy unique; barriers, defense mechanisms etc, but i was the one who fully understood her, i broke through that shell and i looked inside and found this amazing person. I have a little feeling that because i discovered who she really is, that she then somehow feels uncomfortable with me knowing all about her.

    Anyway, so that's a little backdrop of whats going on.

    I'm going to ask a question which is possibly impossible to answer.. but i'm going to go ahead and ask it anyway in hope that i could get a few pointers from you guys/girls..

    How do I re-establish our relationship?

    I want to be with this girl, i am young, nearly 22, she was not my first, but with this girl, we seemed to have this sense of a deeper understanding of the world, life, what was important in it and what we wanted from it.
    I want her to know that by me following her around, I am not sacrificing my life at all.. for one, she will be traveling around the world to prestigious cities playing a very sophisticated musical instrument, the harp. I love to travel, i love architecture, culture, other ways of life. And I love to hear her perform. I am an aspiring photo journalist, artist and inventor. Not one of those professions requires me to sit pretty in one location. And overall, i'll be able to do this and still have her around.

    I know I cant change how she thinks, but I have never told her how easy it would be to have a life together in the future. Besides it's only 4 and a half hours on the Megabus and we're used to traveling.

    In the end, I know for a fact that I am the only person she has ever been able to open up to, apart from her Dad and her best female friend (who is a very good friend of mine and housemate of mine.) Me knowing her so personally created some problem, i'm sure of it, and I hate the fact that something so respectable (being able to open up to me) has led to the demise of our relationship.

    Long post, so thank you for reading it, and I deeply appreciate any response. I know the majority will be something on the lines of 'get over her', 'let her do what she wants', 'it's not all about you' and I know this. But I know this is very hard for her also, and in some ways i feel as though if it were possible, if it became structured and we could talk about both of our concerns and get them out in the open, then we could possibly get back together. I love this girl.

    Thanks again
    Last edited by battlingpig; 02-11-11 at 04:31 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    still need help

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    it took me ages to write that so im bumping the post again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    moms basement
    Give us the short version, and you might get some joy.

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