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Thread: Help needed ladies !!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Help needed ladies !!!

    Alright so there is this girl at the gym (actually my senior .... I am in a medical college) she keeps on staring at me sometimes she would turnaround look at me then quickly look away i mean its really obvious(and outside the gym in the hospital she would make a real long eye contact , i mean real long)...so i thought i should talk to her but never had the cohones to do so..somehow she thought i was following her because i used to leave the gym as soon as she left but that was because i wanted to talk to her but never could... so I decided to give her a note(saying: i don't know what lead me to believe that you like me , I am sorry for any trouble i might have caused you unintentionally ) but after that her staring became more frequent so i finally asked her if she had a moment to talk... she smiled and said "sorry no" and left but she still gives me the same look its really annoying and frustrating ... What should i tell her?? Because i don't wanna blow it up just because she might be a little shy about this??

    So yesterday i asked her to take a playlist which i had made for her... first she said i don't know you but then she took it.I told her i wont be coming to the gym and when i started to leave she asked me "but why are you leaving?"(2 times in a real sweet voice).I told her exams are coming ....she smiled and said good luck for your exams..
    what should be my next step?all this is really confusing
    Last edited by semiunconscious; 07-11-11 at 03:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Me, personally, I would have taken that note to mean that you didn't like me, or at least to be a little confusing. I guess the way I would have taken the note was that if "I" (the female) lead you to believe I liked you, then did something to undermine that thought in your head. and that you are sorry if you somehow led me on. So maybe the note threw her off and she thinks that maybe you want to talk about how you want to make it clear you don't like her??? If you can't talk to her, give her another note that says how you like her and would maybe like to take her out to see if there's anything between you two. Write in the note that if her answer to letting you take her out on a date is yes then to stare at you like she always does.... (if it's no, then at least she quits staring).....my opinion...hope it at least gives you some perspective. good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    She’s most probably playing hard to get. You don’t have to worry and just be confident my friend. But do not just go directly to her and say "I like you now what?" Just plan your move and make your move count. When you know her a little better like in 3 days, than just pop the question to her after a nice meal with her. Just say it out front, "It seems like we have feelings for each other. If this is true, I think it would be appropriate to give it a try and see how this relationship may turn out" "Do you agree?"

    Make sure you plan your move. And all the best my friend.

    btw, if you need more detailed help, i would recommend you a great book for your read. Its "30 girlfriends in 2 years" by fred baker. You may get this book at www(dot)12becasanova(dot)com


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Stop with the notes! You never should have given a note in the first place. When you are at the gym just find reasons to work out closer to her and find reasons to talk to her. Walk by her and just smile and say hi when you make eye contact, then the next day, if she is using a machine you want ask her to tell you when she's done so you can use it next or something like that. You need to just find reasons to initiate small talk first. Once you feel like you have opened that up just keep increasing the amount of contact you have with her. I wouldn't mention anything at all about liking her, you don't even know her. Just have conversations with her and if you decide you like her then just ask her if she wants to go have coffee or lunch or something some day. I think sending a note or telling someone you like them without having talked to them can be a bit too much and could scare someone off.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.LoveSifu View Post
    Just say it out front, "It seems like we have feelings for each other. If this is true, I think it would be appropriate to give it a try and see how this relationship may turn out" "Do you agree?"
    Whatever you do don't do this. This will completely freak her out and she may even literally run from you. You can't have feelings for someone you don't know. You can find them attractive but what are these feelings based on and how do you even know she wants a relationship. I would be completely freaked out by some guy saying that to me. You need to slow way down!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    The note thing blew it.....notes are creepy and shows you have no confidence to just go up to her and start a conversation. Turn off. Just ask her out will ya. Or at least try to talk small talk.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    well contrary to that she stares at me more now (after i gave her the note) she just keeps looking at me

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by semiunconscious View Post
    well contrary to that she stares at me more now (after i gave her the note) she just keeps looking at me
    She's probably trying to figure out what's wrong with you or if you are going to jump her in a dark alley! For a med student you are not being very bright. To notice how long she stares at you, you have to be staring back, then you act like a stalker following her out of the gym, onto giving her unintelligible notes of a personal nature, acusing her of coming on to you!( er..' I don't know what it is that led me to believe that you like me' (unquote).....THEN you decide to approach her and ask if you can 'talk'!
    Maybe you need a respectable introduction by a sane person she'll trust. Then there's the straightforward approach... "Look, I think we got off to a bad start, my name is..... and I keep staring at you because you're a very pretty girl and I'd like to know you. Can we start again? How about lunch ?"

    If she runs away screaming, give up. Or try the traditional bunch of flowers. Maybe she stares because she's myopic?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    you don't understand she not only looks at me but occasionally would turn around to do so .. and leaves the gym and foodcourt the same time as i do .

    now i finally talked to her .. i took a risk and and gave her a playlist and she took it instantaneously . I told her that i won't be coming to the gym for a while and when i was about to leave she started asking why are you leaving (actually two times in a real sweet way) i told her exams are coming ...she said good luck for your exams....and i am such a jerk i didn't even smile at her...all this is so confusing.
    What should i talk about when we meet the next time??

    (lol no she is not myopic)

    (i don't stare at her .. all my friends have observed her doing that)
    Last edited by semiunconscious; 07-11-11 at 03:18 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Just add her to FB or ask for her number. You have talked to her so far, what's so hard about getting her number or email?

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