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Thread: wtf man..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    wtf man..

    hey guys how are you?

    my story is kind of lame being 24 and all..i should have known better.

    i was in a relationship for 5 years..i didn't treat my ex girlfriend right and she left me for somebody else. i was devastated for a long time. it's been 3 years since then..i've hooked up with people and had a few minor crushes but recently i've been really hurt..

    i met this girl on fb..didn't think anything of it but we started seeing each other. she said on our first or second date that a few months back she got out of a serious relationship and didn't want anything like that..i said ok.

    as the weeks went on we got more and more serious..started calling each other baby, she took pictures in my bed and sent them to me the next day saying "something for you to think about"..baked me cookies..ect.

    then one night she got distant..it may have been a comment i made to her "you don't have to worry about me" but i dunno. i called her out on it and she said she was getting nervous we were moving too fast.

    we been pushing each other further and further away from each other. we were going to try to just be friends and have sex but i told her i didn't want us sleeping with other people if we were going to be doing that..she wasn't having that. lol.

    i know she let loose over the summer and slept around but i don't think i really ever knew what a slut she was. she's turned into a real bitch now. i don't mean that in a degrading way..she's just really nasty and tries to ignore me or "stay in control" by ending a convo first or whatever..i can it.

    anyways in the end i think she's probably talking to other guys or likes someone better than me..who knows. i've been really sad..i'm trying to talk to other girls but it's not really working out. first time i opened up to a girl in years and i get crushed =\. the worst part of this is the not knowing. i'm sure this is one of the main things for all of us. i know only time will help me to get over her..i just wish i didn't have this feeling like my stomach was falling out of the lower half of my body..

    anyways thanks for reading..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    girls suck, you can do better than her, it always happens like that, you finally open yourself up to someone, and it completely backfires, if you want my advice, go for a less popular girl they are normally a lot nicer, i have learnt that popular girls are sluts in the majority, not saying they all are, maby a different case where you live, but in my town, thats how it goes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    haha..yeah man..thnx for that. the funny thing is i was talking to a few girls when she first hit me up and i almost blew her off on our first date to hang out with another girl..

    she told me a lot of personal stuff..built a lot of trust..then turned into a complete stranger..it feels like i never really knew her at all..

    ..she was kinda popular tho

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    i have been texting this really popular girl, met her via fb, we got on well and i felt like i knew her pretty well and she seemed into me, so i invited her to my party, she turns up, completely ignores me, gets with my best mate and shags another, i just don't get girls sometimes.. just to let you know, no way is she better than you, seriously the actually fact your on this website proves your better than her, you have more emotions by the sounds of it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    ah man that is insane..i don get that at all either..must have been hard to see something like that.

    you don't want a girl like that..some girls are out just looking for attention and to have fun..can't blame them for it but at the same time doesn't mean we have to accept it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    I'm sorry you're going through that... but if she just got out of a serious relationship, maybe she really is just scared of going through whatever she went through in her last relationship. Grant it, she shouldn't be acting childish. She should just come out and say what it is, to be fair to you. You seem like a decent guy, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    thanx man...it sucks like mostly now..it's 330 am...just got home from drinking with my buds...met an amazing girl...didn't get a chance to ask for her number...angry at myself and now all i can think about is this chick and how sad i am..so lame.

    thank you again for your comment..but eh..i guess that's what we get..

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