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Thread: Opinions please?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Opinions please?

    Met a girl from work out one night, she randomly came up to me and asked if i worked at the place which ive never seen her there before, cut it short i ended up kissing her and texting her the next day and for the next few days.

    We then go out on a date, everything went fine and after her sleeping at mine she was well interested.

    Texting me all sorts of things, like what my plans are with her ect. When i reply asking what hers are with me, she replied " Well alot more than sex thats for sure"

    Arrange to go out the following friday, met up with her on my break in work discussed plans, where she would meet me the following night ect. The next day comes and i don't speak to her all day in work, she doesn't send me a text and neither do I send her one (We work in different departments and therfore only able to see each other whenever we have a break clash)

    So work ends and it nears the time we said we would meet up, so i text her asking her whats goin on and she replies she's too tired and can't make it tonight, i just reply "Oh okay"

    A few hours later with no further reply, i ask her whats shes doing saturday/sunday night instead.

    No reply, and after that I didn't speak to her for a week in work, casually seeing her and catching her catching my eye, but never sent me a text or anything or approached.

    So the following monday after that, i sent her a text asking if she wants to see me on my break, saying sorry i haven't been in touch and that id lost her number, she replies saying she can't make it at that time. So i ask her does she want to do something this time this week to which she replies that she can't, as having me not text her in the last week she thought she had lost interested, and started seeing her ex again.

    I tell her thats fine and the only reason id not been in contact is the fact she hadn't replied to me when i asked her what she was doing on the following saturday/sunday after she blew me off.

    She just said "Sorry" and i just said it was cool and i hope it works out for her.

    She then, 2 hours later replies with "Why you being so nice?"

    And im just now like, wtf. Where did that come from. I am not meant to be? I've not even replied to that, as i really don't know what to say to it. I just don't get it.

    Advice/Opinions greatly appretiated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Just ignore her. She's on the rebound anyway and you don't need to be subjected to her confusion and mind melds. There's nothing worse than someone who plays mind games, isn't finished with their ex and is on the prowl to keep a door open so they can kep you as an emotional band-aid.

    For what it's worth: I think you handled her sans ego and with maturity and grace. Something tells me she's not used to being treated with respect so she doesn't know how to respond in kind.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I think she might have been upset because you didn't talk to her nor text her during the whole day, that time at work. She probably wanted to feel more desired and cared for. She should have used better communication, that's for sure. Also, she sounds like she needs constant attention (she went back to her ex as soon as she felt like you didn't give her enough attention).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I'll add that you have to work at the same place she does. She should know that you NEED to continue to be nice to her if you don't want drama while on the job. Let her fade out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    So should i even bother replying to her "Why you being nice" message. Cos I still haven't and that was last night when she sent that to me, I just know im gonna end up seeing her in work today, shes forever walking past my window at work outside.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I think that, if you are still interested in seeing her, you should let her know that her behavior has confused you. Tell her clearly that you would like to go on another date with her and if she changes her mind about you she knows where to find you. Once you've made that clear, there is no need for you to reply to her if not to agree to another date or something. I just think things should be clarified because it seems to me like you both didn't understand each other.

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