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Thread: What is going on with her?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    What is going on with her?

    Hello, i will try to be as brief as possible.

    I had this relationship with a girl few months ago... She dumped me for a stupid reason. for asking her to meet since she made it clear from start that she wants her free time too and not being with me 24/7 and for that she got angry with me and wasnt speaking to me for 3 days until i made the thought that something may be going on with an ex.. that thought tho i shared it with her best friend because i knew her well.. and she told her ofcourse... next day she calls me and breaks up with me because i have been pushing her too much and i wasnt trusting her :S for this one time these happened!

    I tried to contact her through fb and she was always telling me back off u still pushing me u see? and stop posting sad songs about break ups on ur profile she said.. i am turned off with u sorry for saying it. I tried for couple weeks to talk to her but everytime the same.. the last time she said that nothing is going to happen even if we talked and discussed what happened(coz we havent because she wouldnt even talk about it saying that she cant forgive mistakes coz previous relationships when she was giving chances she got hurt) Ok i said.. if u want to forget everything for such stupid reasons i wont bother u again.. be happy.

    Now: 2 weeks after i run into her by accident having to see her for 1 month+ since the break up.. we said typical things and moved on. Then she texts me saying that we havent talked yet about what happened... she said lets meet but not this week coz i have some things to do and am busy... I call her next week and she is being so cold with me and she said oh u started pushing again? "No" i said, u told me u want to discuss things. "ok anyway " she sais... and logs out.

    2 days later she texts me to see how am doing.. we talked for a while and when i got the subject into meeting for that coffee she first told me for she sais anyway and changes subject... :S

    I Know i should move on.. but whenever i try to she comes back and i had a huge crush on this girl and i cant get her out of my mind.. any way to make her come back so we can be happy as we used to be? to make her want back? first she asks for the coffee and when i say ok and try to arrange that she backs off.. Please help .. thank you in advance...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Ok, you tried too hard. Some women who are not mature enough won't like that, and they don't know what to do in order to settle you down, so they will just back right off.
    What you need to do is let her come to you. If she mentions a coffee or get together tell her youre busy that day, and can you make it the week after. Unfortunately you will need to play the same game. But if that doesn't work for you(you don't like doing that), then it's time to leave it. I'm sure once you have she'll come to you again.... because to her it will look like a sign of strength, and she will like that! At the moment she sees you as a weak man. Sorry. But some women are like that. Maybe she's better off with a jerk who will treat her the way she needs! But be careful in future over all, a woman generally likes a man that can stand on his own two feet! Leave if you have hung around for a few hours, don't stay all night. You need to always consider their space, and at least act like you have a life of your own, if you don't! :-)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowrazor View Post
    Hello, i will try to be as brief as possible.

    I had this relationship with a girl few months ago... She dumped me for a stupid reason. for asking her to meet since she made it clear from start that she wants her free time too and not being with me 24/7 and for that she got angry with me and wasnt speaking to me for 3 days until i made the thought that something may be going on with an ex.. that thought tho i shared it with her best friend because i knew her well.. and she told her ofcourse... next day she calls me and breaks up with me because i have been pushing her too much and i wasnt trusting her :S for this one time these happened!

    I tried to contact her through fb and she was always telling me back off u still pushing me u see? and stop posting sad songs about break ups on ur profile she said.. i am turned off with u sorry for saying it. I tried for couple weeks to talk to her but everytime the same.. the last time she said that nothing is going to happen even if we talked and discussed what happened(coz we havent because she wouldnt even talk about it saying that she cant forgive mistakes coz previous relationships when she was giving chances she got hurt) Ok i said.. if u want to forget everything for such stupid reasons i wont bother u again.. be happy.

    Now: 2 weeks after i run into her by accident having to see her for 1 month+ since the break up.. we said typical things and moved on. Then she texts me saying that we havent talked yet about what happened... she said lets meet but not this week coz i have some things to do and am busy... I call her next week and she is being so cold with me and she said oh u started pushing again? "No" i said, u told me u want to discuss things. "ok anyway " she sais... and logs out.

    2 days later she texts me to see how am doing.. we talked for a while and when i got the subject into meeting for that coffee she first told me for she sais anyway and changes subject... :S

    I Know i should move on.. but whenever i try to she comes back and i had a huge crush on this girl and i cant get her out of my mind.. any way to make her come back so we can be happy as we used to be? to make her want back? first she asks for the coffee and when i say ok and try to arrange that she backs off.. Please help .. thank you in advance...
    You know what, the bull s hit was going on before, and the bull s hit will keep be there if you get back with her....in fact the bull s hit is still going on. Dude it just isn't working.....accept that. You even said "I know I should move on..." That is common sense talking, that is your head talking, that is your gut instinct talking.....do yourself a favor and listen for a change.

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