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Thread: what should i do? am i bad?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    what should i do? am i bad?

    hi everyone
    I am 26 and my girlfriend is 29.
    we are friends for a year. our relationship was really good and we understood each other so well for couple of months.
    after some months i realized that her attention to me is reduced. for example , if i didn't call her , she wouldn't call me regularly. like it was my responsibility to call her , text her , say her romantic things but instead , i get these things less. I talked to her about this subject , it became better but again , after two or three months she was the same girl , with less attention to me. that was not so important , until two nights ago that something happened.

    I was in a really bad situation and needed her help. i asked her for help indirectly but i get really bad answers from her. she told me "it's not my problem , do it your own , what do u expect from me? you want me to go there and solve your problem? blah blah blah". from that night my heart became very cold.

    please note , that I REALLY HELPED HER during our relationship. I really help her to study , to get her BS degree , I was always there for her , Always agree with her , always spend money , not so much , but whatever I could afford.
    she told me yes you helped me a lot , but you shouldn't expect me to help you back.

    we had a serious fight tonight , now I don't know what to do. should i break up or should i call her again and beg for friendship?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Don't call her, once you do that, the process will be repeated all over again and you will be back here asking the same question! You done your gentleman part, by helping her...so your good nature pot is full, hers is dam near empty! With results like that, you will just continue to make her think you're just needy, you can see she's selfish with that cold response! Don't give her the satisfaction.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    she doesnt deserve you. . ..you are a nice guy and the most important thing is self-respect, have some respect of your self and leave her dont beg to her. I have seen a boy going though this situation . Just leave her do things that make you happy spend time with friends." Just 4get her"i am sure you will definitely find a good partner soon.,. . . .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    She sounds like a bitch... maybe she's just been using you? Thats why she doesn't want to help you. Or, you are leaving out information. Did you do something to upset her? And never apologised? Women can hold grudges till the day they die and sometimes will never tell you what it is, because they expect you just to know.
    if you feel you have always done the right thing by her, then just ask her straight out why she's being that way with you, if it truly seems uncalled for, and see what she says.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    thank u every body for your responses.
    our relationship ended some minutes ago.
    I would try to be happy and start a new affectionate life with myself and try to recover myself
    what I've learned from this relationship is :
    Never Be So Good , If Your Partner Doesn't Deserve It

    be happy all of you guys

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