My ex and I broke up 3 weeks ago. We broke up because he's shipping out soon and he is distancing himself from a lot of people who mean something to him so it'll be easier when he leaves (at least, thats what i what i was told by a friend who has known him a very long time) We have not spoken since the breakup (I want to wait to talk to him when I am completely over him) when we broke up he said I was a great girl and he had feelings he just felt like he should ship out single. When he talked about our breakup to my friend apparently he seemed upset; like he didn't want to do it, he just had to. he even told my guy friend (who is also his friend) how he thought i was great and beautiful and all this stuff. He is not the type of guy to get emotional with other guys at all. He pretty much acts like I don't exist at school.. Except I notice that sometimes he goes out of his way to look at me when I walk by.. I guess my questions are..
Why would he do that if he's the one being distant and ignoring me?
If I meant as much to him as it seemed like I did, why is he shutting me out completely?
Any input is welcome... Thank you!