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Thread: Layin it on the line working?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Purto Rico

    Layin it on the line working?

    There has been a girl who I have been very interested in for well over 6 months now. At 1st we got to hang out a few times until she got very busy and contast invites got turned down so I moved on, took it as she was either too busy for me or not interested. About 2 months went by I noticed once I uploaded a picture of myself to Facebook and she started liking my photos again and got in contact with me (I am not very active on the site)(We were friends on there before we started talking more anyway and went to HS together but didnt speek to each other)

    Before we agreed on another date I flat out told her look, your still single I am also and we got along so why dont you start hanging with me more. A few days later she showed up at my house again and we had a good time at lunch, more talking and good morning texts started again with her and I have a 2nd date or hang out with her. I've kept telling her I am interested in you, I have'nt really expressed those feelings before just out of the blue but, I felt if she was not interested in my she wouldnt of kept some contact for 6 months. I explained how it seemed on my end after being shot down time and time again. She did apologize and said she didnt understand why we stopped talking as much if we both were interested in each other. I felt that was a good sign, telling me this in person and putting her hand on my arm.

    I am going on vacation for 10 days and she is going to spend my last day in the US with me that night. I think she is uses to being indepentand which is fine but is slowly opening up to me.

    I'm just wondering if there is anything I can do more let her know I am interested, besides spendin my time with her and hugging or kissing her. I am not trying to go over board just she really has my interest and we are both 28. Hopeing the friends beforehand helped.
    Last edited by oldskool83; 12-04-12 at 02:26 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Well to be quite honest I think you've done all you can for right now. The most important thing is that you don't shower her with too much "I really like you" talk when you come home from your trip. Don't keep telling her about how much you're interested in her or else you might come off as desperate or clingy (not saying you are those things at all, it's just how it might come off).

    Just hug her, cuddle her, SHOW her how you feel about her. I'd even say to hold off on the flowers and stuff until she shows you definite proof that she is heading toward the exclusive dating relationship. Maybe get her a little something on your trip though, a very modest little gift. Just for example, when I first started seeing my girlfriend I went to Jamaica without her and bought her some hand carved fish with these big eyes and she fell in love with it. Girls love little stuff like that because it shows you thought about them. Key take away is: show her you care, don't say it and if she flakes or isn't reciprocating MOVE ON because chances are there's an underlying issue she's not going to share.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Purto Rico
    never showered here, just after months of talking and shit and indicating she prob was sumwhat interested i just spelled it out in front of her. I dont feel i need to get flowers or this or that, its early. Shes not a gf, not even dating her but i would date her once i know she is more interested. She did say she missed talking with me during my 10 trip. We started to hang out more which is fine, ive only said i like spending time with her and thats as far as i am going out there on a limb with feelings. I saw her 2 times this week already, maybe 3 but next monday I have a real offial date with her again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    This is a very bad news

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    well down

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