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Thread: I think I will never get over him

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    I think I will never get over him

    I'm afraid I will stay like this forever.

    Everything reminds me of him, I can't stop it.
    I can't stop the tears, the sadness, the emptiness.

    I need him so much,
    to talk to me, to hug me, just to look at me again.

    What if I will never get over him?
    What if I'll stay like this forever?

    I feel like I'm loosing it. Every good day is followed by horrible nights.
    I just want to speak with him again.
    To see that he cares. But his not. He just moved on like nothing happened.
    No emails, no facebook.

    I can't stand it anymore, I don't even know myself.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    The key is in the last thing you said. "I don't even know myself". This is the right time for you to figure out yourself and learn who you are. This can make a difference and can help you find confidence within yourself and help you move on.

    I found the love of my life after gaining confidence and discovering how to become a guy magnet here: www.TheDatingAdvisor.net

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Chin up! You can do it!

    You really only have two options: Get over it or get him back.

    Most importantly you have to take things one day, no, one minute at a time. Try to be totally in the moment and ignore any negative self talk that might be happening in your head. Stay positive about life and the details will take care of themselves. Feel for you!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    God I do try to figure out what I want from myself,
    it doesn't work.

    All I do is fantasize about him.
    Everything I think about involves the thought of maybe it will make us be together again.
    I can't even "convince" myself that such a thing is impossible.

    I even started in process with some comapny that I might go back to the US with it, and I know deep inside that it's only
    for maybe be employed where he lives. He doesn't even care about me, so it's could be so stupid from my behalf.
    But still, I can't stop dreaming about it.

    It made me be negative about almost if not all the things in my life,
    it made me hate myself.

    What if it will never go away? He himself always told me how after we'll break up I'll see how amazing he is
    and that someone like me could find love.

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