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Thread: What should I do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    What should I do?

    So I have been with my ex for 8yrs he actually left me like 5 times before but I always take him back. But this time this break up was different and confusing. Hes been getting bak into church and wanted me to start going with him but i didng want to go church becuse i never felt anything but i would pray at home nd hope that god will put in ny heart when to start attending church. So here's the thing I'm always around his immediate family and rarely around his cousins. So 3 weeks ago he asked me to marry him and he and I were so happy and he had my ring on payments wich he only did 2 payments so far. But he came and asked my parents if he can marry me as well they were happy to. Ok so 1 week later he asked me to go hang out with his cousins and I said no and I got a little upset and told him I will just see him after his cousins BBQ. So when I picked him up later that day he blew up on me telling me that I never want to do anything he wants and that he's unhappy with me and doesn't want to be with me anymore or anything and that he puts that on his fam that he will never want nothing to do with me. I was so upset that he yelled at me like that that I left home he called me twice but I didn't answer because I was so sad. So I waited a whole day then I called him back. We were taking and he said sorry that I yelled at you but it sucks that you don't want to try to go to church and I can't force you but I know we can both do this. He said yea we are breaking up but he's doing it cuz he need to focus on church and that he's not doing it to be with another girl that he wishes I felt the same way as him about church and start going. And he said I know I can't force you to go but I need to go and maybe later u will start going. So then he was calling me here and there and still talk to each other a 2 days after this happend. Then out of no we're he was getting angry with me yelling at me telling me to leave him alone. Then he would call me in the morning and say sorry. So I was more confused. Then he said he needed money so I told him to get the money bak for the ring that was on hold and he said no that is yours. So I was more confused cuz we obviously aren't together. So then things got bad again he started to ignore me and treat me mean nd he said this is how I treat someone I'm not with I will treat u like everybody else. Wich made me sad so I was the one starting to always call him the rest of the week. So I was sad that he wouldn't answer my calls or call me bak untill late at night when he was home. He knew I was sad so I just sent him an email explaining how I felt cuz he needed to hear it cuz he avoided everything like it never happend. All re responded to that email was " I love you to much" wich is confusing so I never responded to him the next day I went to the park nd left my phone at home when I got bak I had 9 missed calls nd 2 text messages to call him bak. When I finally called him bak he was like where did you go? Who were u with? Y didn't u call me bak? Then he was like ohhh we'll i need something from
    Your car so I drive to his house to take it to him and when I saw him he was just asking what I did that day nf if I had fun then he noticed I got my nails done. But he never mentioned anything bout us! So later that night I called him and I was like so what's going on and he basically told me that I took him for granted cuz I didn't go around to his cousins house all the time like he wanted me to and that it's all my fault cuz of my attitude Nd that he reached his breaking point and that he still loves me but doesn't want to try anymore. So i was sad that he told me that cuz I thought everything was ok if he obviously got to the point that he asked my parents to marry him. I told him fine I will leave u alone nd not call you or anything and then he say " why I can't call you" I said yea I'll always be here for u if u need anything. So that was like 3 days ago. And I call him to c how he's doing and he's like whatever about it. Then I had a missed call from him nf he said it was an accident. Then I talked to him and see if he wanted to get some lunch but he's like I'm to busy maybe next week idk if I have time. Then he kinda started talking bout when we had sex on vday and he asked if I rememberd and I said yes. Plus he still calls me my nickname. *So I feel like its all my fault he left me and I feel so guilty = / and heart broken. So what should I do or what even happend for him to do this?*

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Stop all contact and start moving on. Do you really want to be with a controlling, religious nut?

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