One of my flatmates in a university hostel has a girlfriend, and she brought with her a friend. She is beautiful but she was intended for someone else. I presume that my flatmate asked his girlfriend to bring along her friend for another guy who is looking for a girlfriend. This other guy lives in another flat. So when they brought this girl, she liked me instantly, because I am very attractive, and I liked her. She kept smiling at me,waving to me and saying 'hi' when in the living room, or passing through the room. So my flatmate's male friend came to collect this girl for overnight. The next day she kept smiling and waving at me.
I wanted to start talking to her, but the weekend's over and they're gone. The thing is, it seems unfair that my flatmate would help find a girl for someone else and not for me, yet he knows I need a girl too.
Now that since I like this girl, and she likes me, I am hoping that she would come back to me. If she's stupid, she will stay with that guy, but if she is clever, she will resist him and come to me.
What do you think is going to happen ? I am not sure whether to talk to my flatmate because it will look like I'm getting in the way. I can only hope and pray.