I invited a girl I'm friends with who I've had a crush on for a while out for a party with me and all my friends. Couple of days later we all go out again together but when I got a chance I asked her out and told her I like her. I didn't make a very good job of it she seemed a little embarrassed, but said she'd think about. We still were in touch the next day as I was helping her out with some work.

Since I've found out on the first night she went up to one of my friends who she had met for this first time and told him she liked him. He knew I liked her so he left before anything would happen to upset me. Later the same night she kissed a friend of mine who is a lesbian...

My friend who she told she liked, came straight out and asked me how I would feel if they started dating or whatever. I told him the truth I don't really like it but if he feels she really likes him he should go for it and I'll try get over it. Unfortunatley I told him some of my anxieties aswell, I didn't tell him to put him off, because some of the things he told me then I just know I didn't want for him to get hurt either. Pretty much just said you've just met her so be careful, I've told her I like her so anything she does she is doing knowing I like her. Does that seem selfish?

Well since I've already told her I like her, my plan was to step back a little and see how it goes. Does this sound like a good plan or do you think it is clear she likes him and I should just get out now?

Thanks in advance.