Hello. I dont have anyone i can talk to so thank you for replying to this. I will try to make this short. My wife has guy friends. recently it is now one of my friends. We are not close friends but have hung out a couple times. She was going to go to the mall with him. she said she would be home at 10pm that night but i said just try to make it home by 12am. I new she might smoke weed while she was with him something she has started doing. Well she never made it to the mall. she got high and drunk and at 12 am was to waisted to drive. So she spent the night. he lives about a hour away and i am taking care of are 3 year old and had to work the next day. She came home at 6am and called into work took the kid to baby sitters cause she needed to rest. I said i would be home at lunch. she texted me 10 min before i got home for lunch to say she went back to the same guys place she just spent the night at because he called into work. I got mad and accussed her of cheating on me which she got mad and said no he is just a friend and she did not want to waist her day off at home by herself and want to enjoy the day. well i got off work at 5pm picked up my kid went home and she still was not home. she did not come home till 9pm. i asked her why and she said i made her mad and she did not want to come home because she was mad i said she was cheating on me. Her hole thing is she works full time and goes to school and when she has some free time she wants to have fun and party. She was never like this while we dated or for the 9 years we have been married. She likes hanging out with guys because she says there is less drama. Am i nuts or does she not care about my feelings?