We were together on/off for 4yrs of college we did take a few breaks here &there but nothing major we just had some problems because of being at different colleges even though we were both from the same hometown. We finally broke up about a yr ago in May when I was graduating. I was the one that stupidly ended it because everything was so serious and i had just had a pregnancy scare (i never told him that until the email recently) &he was ready to be looking at rings &everything. But when I called things off it was just because even though i was very much in love with him I was absolutely terrified &told him everything was just to much for me at the time. After that we still kept in touch talking about 4-5 times a month. We still hung out over the summer a few times too. I agreed to watch his pet while he moved home for his last year of college &I still have her. We still continued to talk here/there. abt 9 months later in the beginning of Feb he had a heart to heart with my sister telling her that he still had feelings for me &wanted to try again. I at that point was still hesitant then about 2months after that everything in my life settled down &I decided that I was ready &still absolutely in love with him. I sent him a super long email telling him everything that happened why i really ended things &that I was still in LOVE with him. He then continued to message me saying that he moved on &had been dating a new girl for about 6wks &they were serious. He had never mentioned this to me before &no one really know about it so neither did i. He told me that he was glad I finally told him &that he would always love me but not that way anymore that we could be friends. I made him come get all his stuff &gave him everything back (he didnt really seem to care)Since then we have talked here &there he says he understands how i feel but I know he doesnt its been six weeks &i still cry all the time. Then however things started getting weird the past 3wks. Abt 3 wks after I told him everything I saw him out at an event &he was with some of his girlfriends friends &was abt 10ft from me. He ignored me so my sis texted him &called him out he eventually came back over but barely said hi. Then later that week saw him again &he wouldnt even acknowledge me so I just texted him the next day to ask him what I was to him because it clearly wasnt friends. He said he didnt know yet. Then that weekend he asked me over when he was with his friends. He wouldnt talk to me really just sent mean texts the entire night. HIs girlfriend I later found out was gone for the weekend then he apologized s we were leaving and again that morning &then told me the next day we couldnt hang out like that anymore. I said okay asked why he said because of the girlfriend that it wasnt fair to her. I didnt push I just said okay and was sorry he felt that way that all he had to do was come get his cat then he would never have to hear from me and I honestly thought that was it. Then he said he didnt know what to do because he still wants me in his life as a really good friend. He always texts me first at least everyother day even just to say hi. But then started taking things to far a few weeks ago asking about sexual stuff from the past. Then When his girlfriend was gone he had me come over really late one morning &even though things didnt go to far he still was touching and holding me inappropriately we never kissed or anything and no clothing was removed but he still wanted to put his hands between my legs and around my waste he kept laying down and trying to pull me on top of him. Then the next morning i made him feel weird told him that I just keep getting hurt Because I still care and he doesnt so it doesnt matter and he just said it did as friends and I said i didnt think i could do that and he just said to give everything time to see if we CAN be friends. Then has been joking around trying to get me to send him sexual pictures i cant tell if he is serious or not, even though I wouldnt. I DONT KNOW what to do i'm still in love with him and would do anything to be with him & he still says friends is all he wants that he is only physically attracted to me but emotionally only wants to be friends & he knows my feelings my feelings so idk what to do or what is going on in his head whenever I ask he just says friends and I cant see him breaking up with her anytime soon or vice verse she is a few years younger and right now his only tie to a social life which i know he craves and she is blind to everything because its her first relationship ever. Im still so in love with him and i just dont understand how he can say he feels nothing like that for me now, why does he want to be my friend?