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Thread: What do you do if the girl you are in love with already has a boyfriend?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    What do you do if the girl you are in love with already has a boyfriend?

    I don't know if this is the right place to post this but PLEASE READ MY ENTIRE STORY I ask is for your advice. No one seems to be helping me out in other sites.

    Ever since freshmen year I have been in love with this girl who has been the manager for the sport I am currently playing (there is a reason for not saying the sport).
    Sadly, she no longer manages the team and has probably forgot who I am since she has not been in any of my classes and I rarely see her during passing periods and lunch. When I do see her my stomach drops, my heart races, and I feel like electricity is running through my entire body. The only for sure time I would see her is during her practice after school as I play my other sport (her sport is different than the one just mention and the one above). Every time I see her and her boyfriend together, it kills me and I know she really deserves a better loving man than him. On the bright side, hopefully she will be in some of my classes in next year and will get to know me again. If she does end up in my class, what if the seating rows are in alphabetical order, how will I end up getting to know her and how would she get to notice my many talents?

    One of my friends however, has known her since elementary and says she is a kind, smart athletic and funny person (he does not like her, he already told me he likes someone else for sure).

    It is now summer break (6 weeks) and every day I have been conditioning and working out 2-3 hours every day while thinking of her every second. I am also planning to get a job in the next week because I know if she miraculously dumps her boyfriend and falls for me, I would have to invest a lot of time and money on her.

    Is it wise to try to become her friend first for her to get to know me? Also what are the odds that she and her boyfriend will be together when he graduates?(he is going to be a senior while she is going to be a junior like me)

    Here are following traits that would describe me in order for you to give me advice for the future. Sorry if my traits seem to good to be true/opinionated

    -somewhat muscular in that I am kind of skinny/ripped, have definition (six pack)
    -2 varsity sports both for 2 years
    - for sure 2 sports varsity both for 4 years by the time i graduate
    -already have letterman's jacket
    -won county championships

    -can play some songs the first time by ear (piano, uke, guitar)

    -Should I play a romantic song in front of her?

    -can draw almost anything but can be very time consuming (AP art student)

    -already drew an almost prefect portrait of her on the last week of school and thought Y.O.L.O. but chickened out in giving it to her due to the possible consequences and regret. (I need help getting more confident and getting rid of my shyness).

    -honor roll since elementary school
    -smart but not in a super nerdy way

    -If she ends up in any of my class should I participate a lot so that if there were a project she would pick me as a partner since she would notice I am very smart?

    -always giving friends who don't have lunch food from my own lunch
    -letting people "borrow money"
    -never cuss at parents or/with friends

    Is there any way to make her notice me above her boyfriend without being cocky?

    I for got to mention I'm a capricorn and she is a cancer in zodiac symbols. Is it true that opposites attract? I have herd that it is like ying and yang.

    The thing is, I know that many other girls like me but they are not the ones I am interested in. The one I am in love with, is different than all the other girls I have liked in the past. I have not liked anyone for this long. I Truly love her and will do anything it will take just to get to know her and to win her heart.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Why are you trying to steal her from her boyfriend? You should know that if you manage to steal her away by using tricks then someone else might turn around and do the exact same thing to you.
    It doesnt really sound like you know her it just sounds like you want what you can't have and that she has become an obsession. I have been in the situation where my best friend fell in love with me and tried to get with me (while I had a boyfriend) I just found him annoying and our friendship ended. I suggest that you take a step back, look at your situation and what it is doing to you, you might have to avoid her altogether to get over these feelings because they will, eventually, drive you a bit crazy :/

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Get over it, and stop acting like such a pansy. Sounds like you've got a lot going for you, so you should be able to find someone who is actually interested.

    To answer the question posed in the title, you stop pretending you're in love with someone who doesn't even know you exist and start looking for legitimate prospects.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I'm sure that one day you will meet someone more special and even better looking than this girl that you are obsessing about right now.

    So don't give up hope yet, ok?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I'm pretty sure you move on and look for someone who DOESN'T have a boyfriend.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    what are the chances that she and her boyfriend will still be together when her boyfriend graduates and goes college while we are still in high school?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Twin Cities
    Better than the chances that she will suddenly dump him for some guy she doesn't seem to notice. Sorry.

    I've been in your situation, and really the best thing to do is to move on. You did things in the wrong order. If you find yourself attracted to someone, you need to approach her and start talking to her casually as soon as possible. Small talk at first. Then flirt a little, and she may signal her lack of availability (and/or interest) by mentioning her boyfriend. If that doesn't come up, try asking her out.

    The important thing is that you need to make this approach early on when you feel some attraction, so if it doesn't work out, you move on before you get your feelings hurt. Falling in love first is a terrible idea, because you don't even know her, and you are investing a lot of feelings in a non-existent relationship. Also, it makes it harder to approach and talk to her like a reasonable person if you've got all these strong and inappropriate feelings. The whole point of the first date is to get to know each other better and find out if there is some chemistry and compatibility. If there isn't, then there is no need for a second date and you just move on.
    Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.

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