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Thread: What to do? Please I need advice!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    What to do? Please I need advice!

    Firstly, any advice is much appreciated.

    I was with my ex for 5 years. We split up 6 months ago mainly due to us not taking the next step together and the relationship sort of felt "stuck". He is now with another girl but for the past month we have been meeting up (it was meant to be just as friends) but we have been getting close again. He has told me he is not happy with his girlfriend and he is always thinking about me etc. We have both spoken about getting back together but he needs to leave his girlfriend. This is where my problem is... He doesn't seem to be leaving her. She lives with him at present and he says he is going to get her to leave so we can build things up again but it's taking ages for him to do it and it's making me go crazy inside because I really want to be with him. I'm also worried about him changing his mind. I've explained all this to him and he just keeps saying he needs "time". I just really don't know what to do. He has said he is not making me wait around for him but I feel I am because he is what I want. Has anyone got any advice for me? I just don't know what to do because I hate knowing he is with someone else.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Is he really worth all this hassle? He's already emotionally cheating on his current GF by meeting you. Do you really think a relationship will work again after not working the last time? What 'next step together' did you not take? Deal with that and you might be getting somewhere but I am not optimistic for your hois to pes of getting this to work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Girl, you need to have a little more respect for yourself!

    When a couple actually makes the switch to living together, breaking up and moving on becomes somewhat of an insurmountable task. It causes drama; they're probably in love, have bills they need to pay, the list goes on forever.

    Do you REALLY think he's going to leave the woman he shares a bed with every night, especially if he's been dragging his feet about it?

    Also, I agree with Boisevie, what do you think is going to make your relationship different the second time around? Even if you're willing to take the step that apparently wasn't taken previously, don't you think that there will be something else? He'll feel stuck again for some lame reason and will move on.

    Exes are exes for a reason, and time travel isn't possible (yet?) so don't try to move against the flow of time. Move forward, move on, and find someone who wont dump you for a stupid reason.

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