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Thread: Hello

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Hey there,

    this is my introduction. I don't exactly know what to say here. I feel as if anything I could say would be oversharing and I have no idea if that would be a good idea or not. In essence, I guess you can say that I'm one of those 'knights in shining armor' or 'nice guy' kind of people. I don't generally seem to fit in with the population of my local enviroment and have gone through some seriously difficult times. Yet for all my life love, or the idea of ideal love has been somewhat of a guiding light for me.

    Through my depression, especially in the more heavier period of it, I started believing that I did not deserve the love of somebody. That I don't deserve that picture perfect ideal of being in a happy romantic and fulfilling relationship and maybe even having kids some day. Over time, this idea settled in deep inside of me and I believed it. It wasn't until those closest to me saved me that I somewhat started believing again that maybe it could happen.

    There are so many aspects of love that I long for, yet can't ever seem to find. In fact, I can't even find a simple person to have a conversation with due to the enviroment that I'm in. Most of which doesn't even know I exist, to be honest. But that's a whole different side of the story. I'm nearing that kind of rambling state that I was questioning whether or not it would be appreciated, so I'll just stop typing now and end this first post with saying hi.

    So yeah, my name is Patrick. *waves* hi.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Welcome to loveforum.
    Hope you enjoy your stay here.
    "Invest wisely and have money work hard for you"

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