I don't even know where to begin. I am so upset right now I can feel my heart beating in my throat.
I have been kind of seeing this girl I work with. We get along great and she seemed like a nice sweet girl. She was going through a rough patch in her life and made "bad decisions" where she slept with another one of our co-workers and gave up her virginity to him. She's 21 and regretted it. The guy she had sex with is kind of a scum bag and he basically talked her into it and she regrets it. Well after that, she dated this other guy for about 6 months before she broke up with him because of how he treated her and other things.
This whole time we have been friends and would talk and have a really good time. We started hanging out a lot and have been taking our relationship to the next level physically. We've been having sex and stuff but have been keeping our relationship quiet at work because work-relationships aren't allowed by the company. We have been doing this for about 4 or 5 months and are growing closer.
I have been hesitant to call her my girlfriend because I was hurt about a year ago really badly. I told her this and we discussed it and she understood. I just want to wait and see how things go before I start dating again.
I went out to a restaurant for lunch with my friends from work and while we were leaving we saw another guy we work with. As we passed by when we were leaving we said by to him, and there she was. It was just the two of them, as if they were on a date! I just said hi to the guy and couldn't even look at her and just pretended she wasn't there. Partly because of embarrassment. I just wanted to be someplace else far far far away because it was so awkward.
I know that she wasn't cheating on me by definition because she isn't my girlfriend, but I thought we were seeing each other with the mindset that we were progressing to that level. She would always tell me how special I am and how much she likes being with me, and here she is with another guy that we work with!
I don't know what to do? I am obviously hurt. I thought she was this sweet girl who had a good head on her shoulders but maybe not. Maybe she is just playing other guys like she did to me and just telling them what they want to hear.
I need advice. What should I do? We are both off these next two days. Should I wait for her to talk to me? Do I have the right to be mad? Or hurt? Should I ignore her for a few days and give me time to calm down? Right now I just want answers. I want to know if she is doing the same thing to him as she is to me. Should I ask her to be honest and let me know where she stands with him and where she stands with me? Ugh, I don't know what to do.
Please please please respond with advice!