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Thread: Has anyone here had any luck with a love coach or expert relationship advisor?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Has anyone here had any luck with a love coach or expert relationship advisor?

    When I have arguments with my boyfriend (can be pretty often) I always find myself crying before I can really share my feelings and then my boyfriend looses respect for any idea I might have had and chalks it up to me being emotional. I wish I could have someone in my ear during arguments so I could effectively get my point across without breaking down and essentially losing control. How can I expect someone to hear me out when I'm so overcome with emotion? Would it be crazy to want an expert to help me articulate my feelings so I could actually get somewhere and stop having the "oh, if I had only said this, or that instead of bursting into tears" conversation with myself?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    Ok... bullshit.

    If he really cared about you, then you bursting into tears wouldn't make him "lose respect", it'd make him feel horrible.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Well, politicians have speech writers so they don't step on their dick all the time when they address their constituents. I don't see any problem with you having someone argue your points when you fight with your boyfriend.
    ...as ancient astronaut theorists would suggest

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