Last year this girl joined my class. We became good friends and I was into her almost instantly. From here it gets more complicated:

After I knew her a month or so I asked her out. She came up with excuses why not but she agreed. In the next few days I realized she was avoiding me, so I talked with her and she said some things like "I didn't know I acted that way" and "It's not you, it's me" etc.. I cancelled the date, though it didn't help, she continued to avoid me, so I stopped trying to talk to her. After a month or so, she started talking to me again (all of a sudden) and behaved like we are good friends.

About two months later, we were close friends again and I was still into her, so I told her how I felt. She told me she wanted to give it a shot, but she was afraid that what happened last time will happen again (and more excuses of the sort). Afterwards she was mean to me, and I mean really nasty, so I started avoiding her... eventually we talked about it and became friends again.

In the following months (up until June), we were very close friends and she gave me mixed signs, like one day she ignored me almost completely, and the next day she would ask me why I didn't take a picture with her and promised me to sing me a song (she is really an amazing singer). One night, we talked to each other and she confessed she was into me for a long time and tried to make me see it. We hung out in the next few days, though we didn't kiss. After a few days I realized she was acting strange, so we talked and she said it was weird for her and it didn't work out etc., so we remained good friends. She was still sending me clear signs to go for it (at least in my opinion), so I tried to kiss her, but she turned her head and told me no.

Afterwards, I told her we can't remain friends (I had my reasons), and she told me she understood although she was not happy about it. We didn't talk nor seen each other for the next two months (although she tried to talk to me a few times and I was a little cold to her). Now, I am not cold anymore and we talk more often and I believe she cares about me (I was sick one day, and many friends asked me how I was, but only she asked me several more times how I felt).

So my question is, what should I do now??? I'm still into her, although I don't plan on hitting on her again... What do you think?