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Thread: What to do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    What to do?

    Hi everyone,i wanted to ask your advice if that's okay

    So i went to Canada for a couple of weeks and met this girl at a bar.We talked a lot,laughed and she gave me a discount on my drinks the whole evening.Unfortionately i had to go the next day.But 2 weeks later after traveling through Canada i went back there,she was in the bar too but this time she didn't had to work so we talked for a little while and then after 12 pm it was my birthday.4 girls surrounded me and before i knew it,i was standing in my underwear,then i was tied to a pole with ducktape.The girl then came with 5 shots and put it in her mouth before kissing me over and over again.After i was released she took me to the showers and you probably know what happend next.The next day she told me she was bi sexual and had a girlfriend.I felt pretty bad about that so we talked a little more before i had to go to Montr�al.The next day i called her to hear how she was doing,she told me her girlfriend knew about what happend at the bar,they already had a lot of fights because they live 5 hours from eachother.I called her again in the evening because i was worried and felt really guilty,she ten decided to come to Montr�al and spend my last evening in Canada with me (it was a 4 hour drive for her to get to Montr�al).We went to a bar and drank a couple of beers,after that we went to a river and talked about her girlfriend and everything that happend.She said that normally she likes girls but when she thinks of the perfect guy it would be me and that she would love to come to my country.She also said it was fate that we met eachother,and she was even talking about marriage and that she didn't wanted to have kids but if it would be with me,she would love to have children.After that she stayed at my hotel room but this time nothing happend except for some hugging and kissing,well the next morning it did happen again because we couldn't control ourselfs anymore.The next day she stayed with me untill i had to take the bus to the airport,we decided it would be best if we didn't talk for a couple of things so she could thinks things over and talk to her girlfriend.She was still saying how perfect i was,how i treated her the right way and how beautiful i was.It was really hard to say goodbye and we kept kissing and hugging eachother.I think i even heard her say i love you before she quickly said you should go.Now what to you think i should do?I never met a girl like her and for me she is the perfect match too,but i live in Europe and don't want a long distance relationship.I don't care if i have to move if i can be with her,but i'm also afraid if i don't contact her untill she contacts me i will lose her and she will choose her girlfriend but on the other hand i don't want to come between her and her girlfriend because i think they should talk about everything.So it's pretty hard for me right now.
    Much thanks in advance!
    Last edited by Yannick1; 21-09-12 at 09:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I don't want to say negative things but my lesbian friend ended up married to a guy and have a kid AND really happy about it. Do you believe you will give her much more happiness than her girlfriend? If so, I'd steal her. Yep, stealing I'd do. With that long distance, she'll forget you if you dont do anything. Also about moving, you just give up things you have in Europe just to be with her?

    For her, liking a girl and getting married to a guy is probably 2 different things. She's so into you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    The story of your lesbian friend sounds like one with a happy ending.I do believe i can give her more happiness than her girlfriend.I heard some stories from her past and they were quite sad,the stories from her girlfriend were not so good either.The only thing i want is for her to be happy and it was really nice to see her smile so much with me,i believe i can bring her life back on track,give her the life she deserves and make her happy.Yeah i would leave everything behind if it means i can be with her.Since i got home i feel really unattached to everything,nothing interests me.The only thing i want is to go back and be with her.I'm also afraid if i don't do anything she'll forget me and chose her girlfriend but i'm also afraid it will go wrong if i don't give her space for a couple of weeks.

    I hope she is into me,i really think what we went through was something special and that we are meant for eachoter.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    So i wrote everyting i wanted to say on a piece of paper otherwise i'm going to forget half of what i want to say to her :-)
    So this is what i want to say to her : I have been thinking a lot about everything.Talked about it with my friends and parents.I wish i could have done this in person but i don't have a choice right now.I think the days we spent with eachother were really special and that it was fate we met.I never met a girl like you before and i know i never will again.On the inside and outside you are so beautiful,to me you are the perfect girl.I don't want to put any pressure on you and don't want to complicate things even more for you so i'm sorry for that.I'm probably really selfish right now,normally it isn't in my nature but i'm afraid if i wait you will forget about me and lose you.You deserve to be happy and it was so nice to see you smile.You have such a beautiful smile,you know that right?So what i want to say is : i want to be together with you and i'm not talking about a long distance relationship.I don't care if i have to leave Belgium and move to Canada because i left my heart there.I want to make us work,no matter what it takes.I know this probably sounds really weird since we only saw eachother for a couple of days but i just know you are the one for me .I understand if you don't feel the same way and still love your girlfriend but if i don't try i will regret it for the rest of my life I feel really bad about trying to steal you from someone else but i love you so i have to try.

    So do you guys think she will like my text?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    If she was willing to f uck you when she has a GF then she will be willing to F uck someone else while with you. I doubt very highly she is looking for the house with the white picket fence. She was just having fun and I'm sure she will continue to do so when you are gone.. Get you head out of your butt, it was just a fling.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I have thought about that too but i'm willing to take that chance,she didn't see her girlfriend for 3 months and already asked her for an open relationship but she said no.There were friends with me on the trip and they all said she really liked me,i also saw some of her friends and they already knew who i was,what i did for a living.So maybe it was just a fling but if i don't try i will regret it.If i get a no at least i know where i stand.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I think you dont know her. you saw her couple of times and before even know if she have aids or herpes.

    So all this is passion and temporary feelings.
    Cause all i see is that you and her love the bar( alcoholic?) and everything go down after visiting the bar.

    so noting special!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I admit that i don't know her that good but what i do know about her is just what i am looking for in a girl.I used a condom but it's true that i don't know if she has an std.

    We were a little drunk the first time at the bar (where she works) but the other days we were both sober the whole time.

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