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About 6 months ago I met up with some girl from an online dating site. We are both in our mid 20s and she has a 2 year old daughter whom it didnt work out with the father and he left for another state and is in no contact of the daughter or contribute anything. I have plenty of neices and nephews so I didnt let the daughter keep me from seeing her. Not to sound too shallow but she was a little heavier than i am usually attracted to. Nevertheless we continued to hang out and see each other and we actually hit it off. She seemed to really like me and texted me all throughout the day and always wanted to see me and we were seeing each other 5-6 times a week. I was always a little unsure of what I wanted and scared to fully commit because of the daughter and the weight issue and not sure if this was what i really wanted but i was enjoying it.

My mom was coming in town and she wanted to meet my mom and did and was saying our moms should hang out together etc. I was getting scared things were going too fast but kept going... We continued course and i met her mom. All was going well but I was not really sure but I did like her.

Then I noticed she was starting to become a little distant, not texting me as much, not sounding as happy when talking to me, etc. but we still saw each other often and when together everything was fine. It started to bother me with her distancing so i asked myself if i wanted to go all in with this or keep the way things were going and i decided to go all in and have a talk about getting more serious and making things official. She was at first hesitant saying she has been hurt so many times before and has committment issues, and she needed time to think. The next day she calls me holding back tears saying she spoke to her dad for advise and she wanted to be my girlfriend if i still wanted to be her boyfriend. I was happy. The next day i started thinking i made a mistake and i committed to something i was still thinking about. So i told her i think we moved too quick and we should keep things casual how they were. She was upset, but we continued to talk and see each other and she was back to texting me often and being happy to talk to me.

Things were back to how they were. We went out of town for her bday and she was posting pics on fb of us and our friends and family were commenting how happy they were for us, etc. I went to dinner at her dads house and she was happy i went and we all got along. The next weekend she invited me on her moms boat because i always asked why i was never invited and i declined and said i had plans with my friends, the next day she invited again and i said the same. Then she got upset and asked what the hell we are even doing anymore. I said casually dating and seeing where things go. Since then she went back to being distanced and could tell she was upset when seeing and talking to her. She invited me to dinner at her moms house and i agreed. There was some other family of hers there and we all got along but something was bother her.

2 days go by and shes very distant. I felt like i was loosing her and was scared as my feelings for her came racing back and i called her to see what was going on and said i was unhappy, she said she was unhappy and has been for a little while saying how everything is about me and how i been stressing her out and shes not sure if she can manage a relationship now in this time in her life and she needed time to think of what she wanted. I said ok figure out what you want...

2 days go by and i call her to say hi and i miss her and she said she missed me too and i asked if she thought about things and she flipped out saying i am not giving her time or space, etc and i flipped out asking how long this was going to take. We didnt speak for another two days and i really started missing her so i wrote her a letter and left it on her door telling her i apologize for making some bad decisions and how i miss her so much and want to be with her, etc. She texted me saying how it was very sweet but she has still not made a decision and how its very hard for her and not an easy time, she tells me i didnt realize what i had until its too late and how she doesnt think i can change and how people dont change. I try to assure her i will change and she says no i won't and i need to give her space.

3 days go by and i text her hope all is well, she says thank you and you too. at this point its been 2 weeks since i seen her, i missed her so much and was going through heartache and figured we needed to do something. So i texted her saying we needed to talk and she wrote back saying she has not made a decision yet and has nothing else to say to me. I tell her i need to tell her something. She calls me right away asking what i need to say and i tell her its been a while and i feel like things arent going to get better and how this isnt what i want but we should officially end it and see other people. she got upset saying i couldnt give her the time and space she needed. she says she doesnt want and enemy and how "i will find something else and forget all about her" that killed me but i just said ok.

I needed to get over her so i unfriended her from facebook so i wouldnt see her updates, etc. The next morning she messages me upset saying she couldnt believe i unfriended her. she said we arent together now but who the hell knows what the future holds, she said shes just plain irritated by me right now and doesnt want to see me for now, not forever, just for now. she said i shouldnt be as hurt as i claim to be and how i shut her out of her life by unfriending her and how she thought i didnt want her seeing what i was doing. then she went back to the me not realizing what i had till its too late. i didnt want to give chase so i just said we already went over this and im sorry i hurt her and i did everything i could after the fact when it was too late and ill always be here for her as a friend. that was yesterday...

I miss her so much and see what i had and see we could have had a great future, it hurts to my stomach. I am trying to stay busy to not think about her but the way things ended makes it feel like we could get back together. Like she wasnt sure what she wanted but really missed me, maybe she just did need more time? I am planning on not having any communication with her the next two weeks and carry about my business and then send her a text saying hi if i dont hear from her then. I want to get her back and i dont know if its a possibility or how to do it? Any advise please?