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Thread: Ladies, need your insight...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Ladies, need your insight...

    To make a long story short the girl broke up with me about 4 months ago. I was obviously devastated but I kept my cool, I wasn't a jerk, didn't blow up at her or call her any names, told her she could leave her things at my house for as long as she needed, etc. etc. She got back with her ex about a month after she left me which was incredibly upsetting and hurtful to me to say the least. She claims that we are "friends" still. I have been nothing but nice to her since this all happened, I mean after all I still have feelings for her.

    I've been giving her her room now more than I was at first. I mean I understand she has a bf again and it's not me unfortunately. I have asked her to hang out multiple times as friends, simple things. I told her I did not want to interfere with whatever she has going on now with this guy. Every time I ask her to do something though she never gives me a yes or no, its always "Idk we can talk about it later" or "maybe" or something along those lines. Whenever I text her, her responses are always short and to the point. It's like she has zero interest in talking to me, it's as if shes disgusted with me or something. I'm not really getting why she is acting the way she is acting. I mean is this normal behavior? I've never been in her position before so I'm clue-less as to what shes thinking or why shes acting towards me the way she is acting. It's almost as if I don't mean jack shit to her. Maybe it's just too soon to try to be friends? Maybe shes just too wrapped up in this other guy? Idk what. I can't help the way I feel about her. I'll for a week or two here and there without contacting her, but eventually she ends up texting me, most of the time to come by and get something of hers that is here. Sometimes when she does come by for whatever things are cool, other times she doesn't even look in my direction. It's like I make her sick or something...and I'm just not getting it. I'm just looking for some insight.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    She is disgusted with you, as am I. Don't talk to her anymore, and if she texts you first, tell her not to contact you anymore unless she wants to get back together. Right now she's using this sporadic contact as a way to get over you. She knows you're waiting around for her. Take that away from her and start moving on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Well, like I said, she has stuff at my house. I think the sporadic contact is really just so she can gradually get her stuff, you know a little here and there because she wouldn't be able to take everything at once.

    Why is it so difficult for her to be a friend? After all, she said she wanted to be.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You're a fool. She doesn't want to be your friend. She just didn't want to feel guilty for dumping you, and she wants to keep you as a back up plan. She probably doesn't give a shit about the stuff she left there, and you should tell her that you're throwing it away if she doesn't come get it within the week.

    Think what you want dumbass, but you won't really start healing until you let go of this. Stop being such a bitch, and cut the girl out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Why wouldn't she want to be friends? We both invested just as much time as the other in this relationship.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    I mean she is a great person. I believe this. I can't help the way I feel about her.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    She doesn't want to be friends, because she wants **** her ex and suck on his dick. She doesn't care about you anymore, probably because you were too invested in the relationship and it was a turn off. Maybe she is a great person. It doesn't really matter. She wants nothing to do with you. You'll start to realize you're fine without her, if you stop your contact with her. Otherwise, you're just a schmuck and you're prolonging your heartbreak.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    OK you big p ussy it's time to get a frickin grip. She will never go out with you again, that is the hard truth of the matter. Pack her shit up and dump it off at her door step. Say nothing, don't even look at her, just walk away. Delete, block her number, remove her from FB, and don't answer any calls ....it's time to man up bro and move on with your life.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by beenmadehumble View Post
    I mean she is a great person. I believe this. I can't help the way I feel about her.
    Ya she's a great person alright...treats you like crap and is having sex with her ex...which means she picked him over you.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Ignore her calls. E-mails. Everything. Trust me, it's the truth, she's just using you. It's best to walk away and not look back. Find someone else, you don't deserve that type of treatment.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Unfortunately sweetie shes keeping you hanging around in case things mess up with her ex. She doesn't want to see you but doesn't want to lose you either. My ex did exactly the same thing to me. He's started seeing this new girl and just claimed he was too busy to hang out or talk. I think the best thing here is to cut all contact with here and erase her from your life. It hurts and I wont lie it won't make you feel immediately better but in the long term I believe it helps. Also dont make yourself too available to her when she sees you are busy with your own life and not texting her she will wonder what is going on and will probably start chasing you! Warning though- its still best to keep your distant. Stay away from people that think its ok to play games with your heart they always turn out to be toxic and end up hurting you more. Trust me I've been through this for the last 6 months and now am the one who is more broken and lost. Instead concentrate on yourself -someone who values you for you are and doesnt play silly games will come.

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