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Thread: How to get over a hot guy who used me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    How to get over a hot guy who used me?

    okay guys so i'm in 10th grade and there's a really hot kid at my school. i met him first term of freshmen year and immediatley had a huge crush on him. he's like beautiful, and 6'5. over this summer we were at our mutual friends house, and when we were alone, he kissed me out of nowhere. i consider that one of the best moments of my life. this year he asked me to hang out a couple of fridays. he'd just text me and straight away my week would be made. i would literally scream and jump with happiness just because he asked me to hang out. he never told me he liked me, but his friends told me that he liked me a "good amount". whenever we'd chill, we'd walk around the park together and make out, and talk, and it was soo fun. a couple of times we chilled at his house before his parents got home. one time i met his dad and sister. then, a couple weeks after we'd been hooking up, he went to a party that i wasn't invited to and hooked up with a popular junior. i know he never owed me anything, because we were never dating, but it still sucked a lot. i was pretty heart broken. that entire week i felt pretty much dead inside. the thought that everything between me and him was over kept flashing through my mind...until he texted me that friday to chill. things continued as per usual. one night i came over to his house and ended up giving him head. i shouldnt have done it but i just really wanted him to like me a fraction of the amount that i liked him. he didn't pressure me or anything. he just asked, and after hesitating for a second i said okay. i was high and i felt sick though, so i stopped early. shortly after that he said i should go, that his parents were coming home. he didn't walk through the park with me or anything. it was like 10:30 and on the subway to meet my friends i started crying openly. i couldn't help it. he meant so much to me and i felt disgusting and used. the next night was a party that we both went to. i was ******* wasted and when he came he found me and we hooked up on the dance floor. he never bothered to say goodbye. he didn't really say anything, or ask if i was okay. i'd decided by then, and my friends had convinced me that i needed to play hard to get with him or he'd take me for granted. i guess it was too late. he asked me to hang out on halloween and i said that i couldn't. i actually had plans anyway. we hung out the next night in a group of friends (he barely acknowledges me when other people are around, by the way) and got high. the next day his friend basically implied to me that the kid doesn't like me anymore and was just using me. i've heard that from so many people at this point and we haven't talked/hung out since the time i gave him head, not including the party. i feel horrible. whenever i see him or the girl he hooked up with in the halls i feel like crying. i'm going to a party this friday that he'll probably be at. i don't know what to do. i want to move on so badly but i'm worried i'll never find someone as attractive or perfect as him...pls don't judge me for being slutty/needy/desperate, or whatever. just give me hope!! how the **** do i get over this guy? and how should i act towards/around him? UGH i need closure. and maybe some relevant song suggestions

  2. #2
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Forget about the guy. Learn to respect yourself. Stop getting ****ing wasted and doing things that make you feel bad about yourself.

    Focus on your studies. Nowadays, you have to be self-sufficient as an adult. Unless you envision a career for yourself as a waitress or hotel maid, or a welfare mom (don't hold your breath, the economy may take even those programs away). You are looking for your identity in a guy and that will only end badly for you.

    If this guy had any brains, he'd be focussed on the same thing. He's an idiot. Think about it.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
    --Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    consider this a learning experience and move on. If he tries to talk to you, just ignore him. You first have to respect yourself before you can expect others to treat you the way you want to be treated.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I'm not going to tell you to forget about the guy, because you won't. It's obvious you are getting a big high out of this and I'm not talking about the getting high. The question is, is the bliss, worth the agony.

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