Yeah, but everyone else except us subaverage looking folk gets checked out. I don't think girls look at me unless they have to, say, if they're cashiers or something.
Yeah, but everyone else except us subaverage looking folk gets checked out. I don't think girls look at me unless they have to, say, if they're cashiers or something.
I can't comment, I don't know what you look like but we're always harshest on ourselves.
I have a picture of myself on photobucket that I could send..if you trust me. I wouldn't send anything to offend you unless my looks are offensive..
Haha no sweat, go for it. =)
Girls won't approach me; I don't look like the "swag" college guy who can mix a good drink and talk about indie music and being "anti-conformist." And we both know I'm not going to approach them, either. If only this could be like the film "Weird Science."
I don't remember what she said but I am sure if she wasn't being disparaging like my looks probably warrant, she just felt obligated to offer a rote, noncommital response..
As a matter of fact, looking back to her response, it really was pretty inconclusive.
I've seen her other posts, she wouldn't lie, trust me on this. xD
Now that I've seen your picture, I can attest that it isn't your looks either. Look, no one really approached me either and it rarely happens even now. Sometimes you have to take the initiative. What's the worst that can happen? They say no? It stings but think about the number of people who have tried to find someone and gotten hurt somewhere along the way. It's part of the process.
I can hope it's not too late, but I'm 22: Nobody just blossoms at this age. Everything I should know I was supposed to learn years ago.
Yeah, great start for your attitude change.